magistrsko delo
Urša Leban (Author), Anja Podlesek (Mentor), Saška Roškar (Co-mentor)


Pomen duševnega zdravja se je v zadnjem času v družbi okrepil tako zaradi naraščanja pojavnosti duševnih težav kot tudi naraščajočega zavedanja o vplivu duševnega zdravja na kakovost življenja. Mladi predstavljajo še posebej ranljivo skupino, zato je pomembno zagotavljati sistemsko izvajanje celostne preventive na področju duševnega zdravja, tudi znotraj šolskega sistema. Študenti so v času študija podvrženi različnim socialnim, ekonomskim in okoljskim stresorjem, zato je izvajanje preventive na ravni visokošolskega sistema vsekakor smiselno. V tujini so visokošolski sistemi že okrepili svoje preventivne ukrepe, v slovenskem visokošolskem sistemu pa ostaja še veliko prostora za izboljšave. V magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala, kakšno je mnenje študentov o trenutnem stanju preventivnih programov na univerzi, kakšne so možnosti za razvoj celostnega preventivnega delovanja ter katere preventivne intervencije se zdijo študentom najbolj uporabne in smiselne. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 238 slovenskih študentov, ki so izpolnili vprašalnik o preventivnih intervencijah v visokošolskem okolju, ki sem ga razvila za namene raziskave. Vprašalnik je v prvem delu vseboval demografske spremenljivke in vprašanja o soočanju z duševnimi težavami, v drugem delu so se vprašanja nanašala na trenutno stanje in poznavanje virov pomoči, v zadnjem delu vprašalnika pa so udeleženci ocenjevali intervencije, ki bi jih lahko implementirali v visokošolski sistem. Udeleženci so vprašalnik reševali na spletni platformi 1ka. Analiza podatkov je pokazala potrebo po implementaciji celostnega programa preventive na področju duševnega zdravja v slovenskem akademskem okolju, saj je več kot polovica vprašanih študentov poročala, da so se že soočali s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Poleg tega so študenti trenutne razmere ocenili kot razmeroma slabe, predlagane intervencije pa so se jim zdele uporabne in njihova implementacija smiselna. Raziskava je podala prvi uvid v možnost oblikovanja celostnega programa krepitve duševnega zdravja študentov, ki bi se izvajal med študijem, in smernice za nadaljnje raziskovanje preventive znotraj visokošolskega sistema.


študenti;duševno zdravje;preventiva;visokošolsko izobraževanje;magistrska dela;Vprašalnik o preventivnih intervencijah v visokošolskem okolju;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [U. Leban]
UDC: 159.97:378(043.2)
COBISS: 91187459 Link will open in a new window
Views: 221
Downloads: 51
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Proposal of a university-based mental health prevention programme for students
Secondary abstract: The importance of mental health has recently been highlighted in society, both because of the increasing prevalence of mental health problems and because of the ever growing awareness of the great impact that mental health has on the quality of life. Young people are a particularly vulnerable group, therefore, it is important to ensure that mental health prevention is systematically implemented, including within the educational system. Students are exposed to various social, economic and environmental stressors during their studies, so prevention at the higher education level seems reasonable. While higher education systems abroad have already strengthened their mental health prevention measures, there is still a lot of room for improvement in Slovenia. In my master's thesis, I focused on students' opinions on the current state of mental health prevention at university level, the different possibilities of developing integrated prevention activities, and which prevention interventions proved to be the most useful and relevant for students. A convenience sample of Slovenian students (N = 238) took part in the survey and completed the Questionnaire on Preventive Interventions in the Higher Education Environment that I had previously developed for the purposes of this thesis. The first part of the questionnaire included demographic variables and questions regarding mental health problems, then the second part included questions regarding the current situation and knowledge of help resources, and the last part of the questionnaire asked the participants to evaluate interventions that could be implemented in the higher education system. The questionnaire was administered via the online platform “1ka”. The data analysis showed the need for the implementation of an integrated mental health prevention programme in the Slovenian academic environment, as more than half of the participants reported that they had already experienced mental health problems. Moreover, students perceived the current situation as relatively poor, and found the proposed interventions useful and their implementation relevant. The survey provided the first insight into the possibility of designing an integrated programme to strengthen students' mental health during their studies, as well as guidelines for further research on mental health prevention within the higher education system.
Secondary keywords: students;mental health;prevention;higher education;masters theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: 61 str.
ID: 14054302