vloga nevladnih organizacij v sprejemnih in nastanitvenih centrih
Blaž Ladič (Author), Aleš Bučar-Ručman (Mentor)


Migracije so pojav, stare toliko kot človeštvo, razlogi za njih pa so zelo različni, zato jih lahko razdelimo na prostovoljne in prisilne. Selitve med dvema državama opredeljujemo s pojmoma odseljevanje ali emigracija in priseljevanje ali imigracija. Prebivalci Evrope so vse do druge svetovne vojne emigrirali na različne konce sveta, vodila so jih geografska odkritja in kolonizacija, želja po dobičkih s trgovino in tudi slabe ekonomske razmere doma. Druga svetovna vojna, izguba več kot petdeset milijonov ljudi ter prav toliko razseljenih, sta spremenili migracijsko sliko Evrope. Na migracije je zelo vplivala globalizacija, ki intenzivno poteka na vseh področjih, tako na ekonomskem, političnem in kulturnem. Globalni sistem je bistveno oslabil vlogo in moč nacionalnih držav in jim odvzel velik del suverenosti. Ko pride do vprašanja migracij, je Evropa zelo razdeljena, saj imamo na eni strani solidarno Evropo, ki se sklicuje na Splošno deklaracijo človekovih pravic, na drugi strani pa imamo trdnjavo Evropo, ki pred migranti dviguje zidove in postavlja ograje z bodečo žico. V obdobju 2015–2016 je v Evropo prišlo več kot milijon ljudi. Več kot polovica jih je prišla iz Sirije, kjer vojna poteka že od leta 2011, sledijo begunci iz Iraka, Afganistana, Irana, Pakistana, Tunizije, Maroka, Eritreje, Somalije in drugih držav Bližnjega vzhoda, Azije in Afrike. Migracije iz omenjenih delov sveta so predvsem posledica vojn, oboroženih konfliktov, diktatorskih režimov, revščine, naravnih katastrof oziroma dolgoletnega slabšanja življenjskih razmer. Namesto načela solidarnosti in humanitarnosti, enotne azilne politike Evropske unije in denarne pomoči omenjenima državama ter pravične prerazporeditve beguncev tudi v druge države EU, se je skoraj vsaka država borila za to, da bi sprejela čim manj beguncev. »Begunski val«, ki se je v Sloveniji pričel poleti 2015, se je v oktobru tega leta imenoval že »begunska kriza«, čeprav ne gre za krizo, ampak logično nadaljevanje in posledice razmer na Bližnjem vzhodu in Afriki, pred katerimi si je Evropa dolga leta zatiskala oči, kljub temu da je sama prispevala levji delež k trenutni situaciji marsikje po svetu. V Sloveniji smo prvo povečano število prehodov migrantov čez naše ozemlje zabeležili konec septembra 2015. V diplomskem delu je izpostavljeno obdobje 2015–2016, podrobneje pa se delo ukvarja z vlogo nevladnih organizacij (NVO) v sprejemnih in nastanitvenih begunskih centrih po Sloveniji. Različne NVO so imele različne vloge, od koordinacije prostovoljcev do informiranja ter materialne, zdravstvene in psihološke pomoči beguncem. S pomočjo spletnega vprašalnika smo podrobneje raziskali, kaj točno je katera organizacija izvajala na terenu in tudi, ali je podpirala ravnanje države oziroma takratne vlade. Diplomsko delo sklenemo z ugotovitvami, da: - so varnostni ukrepi (in torej delo Policije) imeli prednost pred humanitarno in zdravstveno oskrbo beguncev; - so vsi predstavniki NVO, ki so bili prisotni v sprejemnih in nastanitvenih centrih za begunce, trdili, da begunci niso predstavljali nobene varnostne grožnje, čeprav so jih nekateri politiki in mediji vztrajno tako predstavljali; - bi bilo brez prisotnosti humanitarnih in zagovorniških NVO za begunce slabo poskrbljeno; - nekatere NVO menijo, da so s svojim zagovorniškim delom bistveno vplivale na izboljšanje politik in praks države pri obravnavanju beguncev in migrantov, medtem ko nekatere NVO menijo, da vlada njihovih stališč večinoma ni upoštevala.


migracije;migranti;begunci;nevladne organizacije;nastanitveni centri;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [B. Ladič]
UDC: 314.15+061.2(043.2)
COBISS: 92372483 Link will open in a new window
Views: 230
Downloads: 46
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Migrations across the territory of slovenia in 2015/16: the role of ngo in reception and accommodation centers
Secondary abstract: Migrations are a phenomenon as old as humanity, and the reasons for them are very different, as they can be divided into voluntary and forced. Migration between two countries is defined by the terms emigration and immigration. Until the Second World War, Europeans emigrated to different parts of the world, driven by geographical discoveries and colonization, the desire for profits and also the poor economic situation at home. World War II, the loss of more than 50 million people and the same number of displaced people changed the migration picture of Europe. Migrations have been strongly influenced by globalization, which is taking place intensively in all areas, economic, political and cultural. The global system has significantly weakened the role and power of nation states and deprived them of their sovereignty. When it comes to migrations, Europe is very divided, as we have, on the one hand, a Europe of solidarity, which refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and on the other, a fortress Europe which is building walls and placing barbed wire fences to keep migrants away. In the period of 2015-2016, more than a million people came to Europe. More than half came from Syria, where the war has been going on since 2011, followed by refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Eritrea, Somalia and from the other countries of the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Migrations from these parts of the world are mainly the result of wars, armed conflicts, dictatorial regimes, poverty, natural disasters and long-term deterioration of living conditions. Instead of the principle of solidarity and humanitarianism, the European Union's common asylum policy and financial assistance to these countries, and the fair redeployment of refugees to other EU countries, almost every country wanted to take in as few refugees as possible. The "refugee wave" that began in Slovenia in the summer of 2015, was already called the "refugee crisis" in the October of that year, although it was not a crisis, but a logical continuation and consequences of the situation in the Middle East and Africa, from which Europe was closing its eyes for many years, despite the fact that Europe itself contributed the lion's share to the current situation in many parts of the world. The diploma thesis highlights the period 2015-2016, and deals in more detail with the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in reception and accommodation refugee centers in Slovenia. Different NGOs have played different roles, from coordinating volunteers to informing and providing material, medical and psychological assistance to refugees. With the help of an online questionnaire, we researched in more detail what exactly each organization did on the field, as well as whether it supported the actions of the state or the then government. The diploma thesis is concluded with the findings that: - security measures (and therefore the work of the Police) took precedence over humanitarian and health care for refugees, - all NGO representatives present at the refugee reception and accommodation centers claimed that the refugees did not pose any security threat, although some politicians and the media persistently presented them as such, - without the presence of humanitarian and advocacy NGOs, refugees would be poorly cared for, - some NGOs believe that their advocacy work has significantly influenced the improvement of state policies and practices in dealing with refugees and migrants, while some NGOs feel that the government has largely ignored their views.
Secondary keywords: migrations;refugees;Slovenia;reception and accommodation centers;non-governmental organizations;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VIII f., 43 str.
ID: 14157884
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