magistrsko delo
Katja Kavaš (Author), Ivan Svetlik (Mentor)


Pridobivanje in izbira človeških virov po različnih kanalih in upravljanje človeških virov je za podjetja ključnega pomena. Kadroviki v podjetjih, kjer je zaposlenih več sto ljudi, se dnevno srečujejo s težavo pridobivanja in iskanja ustreznega kadra. Glede na močno konkurenco pri vseh profilih delovnih mest se organizacije poslužujejo različnih metod oziroma kanalov pridobivanja kandidatov. Ker je za organizacije ključnega pomena pridobitev ustreznega in usposobljenega kadra, morajo biti metode izbire kandidatov temu ustrezno prilagojene. Različne organizacije se poslužujejo različnih metod iskanja kadra in njihove izbire. Še bolj pomembno pa je poznavanje trga delovne sile. Če so organizacije s svojo poslovno taktiko glede pridobivanja in iskanja uspešne, delojemalci pa ostanejo na svojih položajih dlje časa in imajo pri tem tudi možnost napredovanja, usposabljanja in nagrade na delovnem mestu, podjetja pridobivajo status uglednega delodajalca in postajajo vzor na trgu iskalcev zaposlitve. Takšne organizacije potem pridobijo najuspešnejši in najbolj iskan kader lažje kot organizacije, ki sistema nimajo izdelanega, ne vložijo dovolj truda in ne uporabijo ustreznih metod iskanja in izbire kadra. V magistrski nalogi bom v okviru teoretskega dela opredelila kadre in človeške vire v organizaciji, njihovo pridobivanje in metode izbire, ki se najpogosteje uporabljajo. Metode izbire se seveda razlikujejo med poklicnimi profili oziroma delovnimi mesti. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge bom predstavila najuspešnejše metode, ki se jih je podjetje X poslužilo za iskanje in izbiro najbolj usposobljenih, visoko motiviranih in fleksibilnih zaposlenih.


Iskanje kandidatov;pridobivanje kandidatov;izbira kandidatov;človeški viri;Izbiranje kadrov;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [K. Kavaš]
UDC: 005.953.2(043.2)
COBISS: 90921219 Link will open in a new window
Views: 204
Downloads: 23
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Acquisition and selection of human resources through different channels in company X
Secondary abstract: Acquisition and selection of human resources through different channels, and their managing are key for every company. In companies with a hundred people or more, human resource managers face the difficulty of acquiring and finding the appropriate candidates on a daily basis. Given the strong competition in all job profiles, the companies are applying various methods or channels to acquire the candidates. As it is crucial for companies to acquire appropriate and qualified staff, the methods of selecting the candidates need to be adapted accordingly. Different companies apply different methods of searching for their staff and selecting them. It is even more important to be familiar with the labour force market. If companies are successful at using their acquisition and search tactics, and employees stay in their positions longer and have the opportunity to be promoted, trained and rewarded in their workplace, companies gain the status of a reputable employer and become a good example in the labour market. Such companies can then get hold of the most successful and most sought-after staff more easily than the ones which do not have such a system in place, do not invest enough effort, and do not use appropriate methods of finding and selecting staff. In my master’s thesis, in the theoretical part, I will define personnel and human resources in a company, their acquisition, and methods of selection that are most often used. The selection methods of course differ among job profiles and job positions. In the empirical part of my thesis, I will present the most successful methods used by a certain company to find and select the most qualified, highly motivated, adaptable, and competent employees.
Secondary keywords: searching for candidates;acquisition of candidates;selection of candidates;human resources;Upravljanje s človeškimi viri;Personnel management;Employee selection;Podjetja;Business enterprises;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 83 str.
ID: 14167737
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