diplomsko delo
Anita Janežič (Author), Renata Vauhnik (Reviewer), Darja Rugelj (Mentor), Daša Weber (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Artroza je s starostjo povezana, degenerativna in progresivna sklepna bolezen, ki vpliva na izgubo sklepnega hrustanca, kostne spremembe in tvorbo kostnih izrastkov v sinovialnih sklepih. Najpogostejša oblika artroze je artroza kolenskega sklepa, ki povzroča bolečino v kolenskem sklepu, togost in funkcionalno nezmožnost. Pogosto je povezana z zmanjšano aktivacijo štiri–glave stegenske mišice posledično z mišično oslabelostjo. Obravnava zajema multidisciplinarni pristop, osredotočen na pacienta in njegove potrebe, ki vključuje kombinacijo intervencij za obvladovanje bolečine in izboljšanje funkcije. Čeprav je TENS pogosto uporabljena metoda za obvladovanje bolečinskih stanj, je njegovo uporabo mogoče zaslediti tudi pri postopkih zmanjševanja funkcionalnih okvar pri artrozi kolena. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti vpliv TENS-a na bolečino, zmogljivost mišic kolena in funkcijsko zmožnost pri osebah z artrozo kolenskega sklepa. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda. Pregled literature je potekal s pomočjo podatkovnih zbirk: PubMed, Cobbis in PEDro z izbranimi ključnimi besedami in postavljenimi kriteriji. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih šest randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav. Dve raziskavi sta primerjali takojšni učinek TENS-a v primerjavi s placebo TENS-om, v eni od raziskav so primerjali učinke TENS-a s hlajenjem kolenskega sklepa in kontrolno skupino, v dveh raziskavah so primerjali učinek TENS-a v kombinaciji z vadbo v primerjavi s placebo TENS-om in kontrolno skupino, v eni od raziskav pa so primerjali učinek aktivnega TENS-a z različnimi frekvencami v primerjavi s placebo TENS-om. Ugotovili so, da TENS pri obvladovanju bolečine pri artrozi kolenskega sklepa ni učinkovitejši od placeba ali kontrolne skupine brez stimulacije, medtem ko so ugotovili takojšen vpliv TENS-a na centralno aktivacijo mišice. Takoj po prvi obravnavi je TENS učinkovito pripomogel k vzdražnosti štiri–glave stegenske mišice in povečal mišično zmogljivost v kombinaciji z vadbo po štirih tednih terapij. Pri opredeljevanju učinkov na funkcijsko zmožnost so si dokazi nasprotujoči. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi pregleda literature lahko zaključimo, da je TENS učinkovit pri povečanju mišične zmogljivosti in mišične aktivacije, pozitivno vpliva tudi na hojo. Potrebne bi bile nadaljnje raziskave z večjimi vzorci preiskovancev, ki bi se osredotočile na dolgoročno uporabo TENS-a.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;artroza kolenskega sklepa;zdravljenje;transkutana električna živčna stimulacija;TENS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Janežič]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 91028227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 260
Downloads: 83
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on pain, knee muscle capacity and functional capacity in individuals with knee osteoarthritis
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Osteoarthritis is an age-related, degenerative, and progressive joint disease, which affects the loss of articular cartilage, bone changes, and the formation of bone growths in the synovial joints. The most common form of osteoarthritis is knee osteoarthritis, which causes pain, stiffness, and functional incapacity of the knee joint. It is often associated with the decreased activation of the quadriceps femoris muscle and, consequently, muscle weakness. The treatment includes a multidisciplinary approach focused on the patient and his needs, which includes a combination of interventions to manage pain and improve function. Although TENS is a commonly used method for pain management, its use has also followed in procedures to reduce functional impairment in knee osteoarthritis. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to determine the impact of TENS on pain, knee muscle capacity and functional ability in people with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: The descriptive method was used. An overview of literature was carried in PubMed, Cobbis, and PEDro databases, with set criteria and chosen keywords. Results: Six randomized controlled trials were included in the review. Two studies compared the immediate effect of TENS compared to placebo TENS. One study compared the effects of TENS with focal knee joint cooling and the control group, and two studies compared the effect of TENS in combination with exercise compared with placebo TENS and a control group. Another study compared the effect of active TENS with different frequencies compared to placebo TENS. They found that TENS was no more effective than placebo or a control group without stimulation in managing pain in osteoarthritis of the knee joint, while they found an immediate effect of TENS on central activation ratio. Immediately after the first treatment, TENS effectively contributed to the excitability of the quadriceps femoris and increased muscle performance in combination with exercise after four weeks of therapy. In defining effects on functional capacity, the evidence is contradictory. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the literature review, we can conclude that TENS is effective in increasing muscle capacity and muscle activation. It also has a positive effect on walking. Further studies are needed, with larger samples of subjects, which would focus on the long-term use of TENS.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;knee osteoarthritis;treatment;transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation;TENS;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 14185103