diplomsko delo
Eva Meglič (Author), Darja Rugelj (Reviewer), Urška Puh (Mentor), Tjaša Lipovšek (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Blaga nezgodna poškodba možganov (NPM) je opredeljena kot zapleten patofiziološki proces, do katerega pride v možganih kot posledica udarca v glavo ali izpostavljenosti eksploziji. Čeprav ni smrtno nevarna, lahko ima resne posledice. Pravilna diagnoza oziroma prepoznava in primerna obravnava po blagi NPM sta pomembna koraka za zmanjševanje možnih posledic. Namen: Povzeti izsledke raziskav o merskih lastnostih testov ravnotežja za prepoznavo ali oceno posledic blage nezgodne poškodbe možganov. Metode dela: Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovni zbirki PubMed. Iskanje je zajelo raziskave v angleškem jeziku, objavljene do vključno junija 2021. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih 26 raziskav. Skupno je bilo v raziskave vključenih 4665 preiskovancev, od tega 2459 zdravih in 1415 po blagi NPM. V 18 raziskavah so izvajali sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju, v enajstih njegovo modificirano različico, v eni pa s kognitivno nalogo ter v eni raziskavi test stoje na eni nogi. V petih raziskavah so izvajali test tandemske hoje in v po eni raziskavi s kognitivno nalogo, test kompleksne tandemske hoje in modificiran test dosega z nogo v osmih smereh. Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da sta med testi statičnega ravnotežja najprimernejša sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju in njegova modificirana različica. Testa imata podobno občutljivost, medtem ko ima modificiran sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju višjo specifičnost. Med testi za oceno dinamičnega ravnotežja je najprimernejši test tandemske hoje, ki ima najvišjo zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca, čeprav pri zdravih. Sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju, modificiran sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju in test tandemske hoje so imeli najboljšo razločevalno veljavnost v akutnem obdobju (< 72 ur) po blagi NPM. Zaključek: Sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju, modificiran sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju in test tandemske hoje so cenejši in lažje izvedljivi kot testi z visokotehnološkimi napravami ter imajo zadovoljive merske lastnosti, tako da bi lahko bili ustrezni za uporabo na terenu. Najbolj sta proučena testa za oceno statičnega ravnotežja, medtem ko so za merske lastnosti testov za dinamično ravnotežje potrebne nadaljnje raziskave.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;pretres možganov;ocenjevanje ravnotežja;merske lastnosti;sistem točkovanja napak pri ravnotežju;test tandemske hoje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [E. Meglič]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 91009027 Link will open in a new window
Views: 239
Downloads: 47
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Balance tests for screening and assessment of mild traumatic brain injury
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Concussion is defined as a pathophysiological process affecting the brain, caused by a head impact or blast exposure. Although the injury is usually not life-threatening, the effects may be serious. Accurate diagnosis and proper post-injury management are important steps for mitigating possible consequences. Purpose: To review the existing research about measurement properties of balance tests for screening and assessment of concussion. Methods: The literature was searched in the Pubmed database. Articles written in English and published until June 2021 were included. Results: 26 studies were included in the review. A total of 4.665 subjects were included in the studies of which 2.459 were healthy and 1.415 were diagnosed with concussion. In 18 studies they used Balance Error Scoring System (BESS), in 11 studies it's modified version (mBESS), in one BESS with a cognitive task and in another one Single Leg Stance (SLS). In five studies Tandem Gait (TG) was used and in individual studies TG with a cognitive task, Complex TG, and Modified Star Excursion Balance Test (mSEBT). Research results show that BESS and mBESS are the most appropriate tests for measuring static balance. They both are sensitive and mBESS has a slightly higher specificity. Of all the dynamic balance tests the TG test is the most suitable as it has the highest intra-rater reliability, although in healthy subjects. Tests (BESS, mBESS, TG) had the best discriminative validity if performed in the acute period (<72 hours) after concussion. Discussion and conclusion: The BESS, mBESS, and TG tests are cheaper and easier to perform than tests with high-technology devices, and have satisfactory measurement properties so that they could be appropriate for the on-field balance assessment. The most researched are two tests for static balance (BESS and mBESS), while measurement properties of dynamic balance tests need further research.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;concussion;balance assessment;measurement properties;Balance Error Scoring System;Tandem Gait;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 42 str.
ID: 14185105