magistrsko delo
Saša Alagić (Author), Urška Puh (Reviewer), Alan Kacin (Mentor)


Uvod: Multipla skleroza je najpogostejša demielinizacijska bolezen osrednjega živčevja. Njeni raznoliki simptomi vplivajo na bolnikovo stopnjo funkcioniranja. Zmanjšana je lahko tudi aerobna zmogljivost, ki je najpomembnejša sestavina telesne pripravljenosti. V kakšni meri se aerobna zmogljivost pri bolnikih z višjo stopnjo funkcioniranja razlikuje od zdrave populacije in kakšna je njena povezanost s časom hoje po stopnicah, še ni podrobno raziskano. Namen: Oceniti aerobno zmogljivost bolnikov z recidivno remitentno obliko multiple skleroze in višjo stopnjo funkcioniranja ter ugotoviti, kakšna je njena povezanost s časom hoje po stopnicah. Metode: Skupino bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo je sestavljalo 20 preiskovancev z diagnozo recidivno remitentne multiple skleroze z oceno ? 3 po EDSS (angl. Expanded Disability Status Scale), kontrolno pa 20 zdravih preiskovancev. Za oceno aerobne zmogljivosti smo izvedli testiranje z enostopenjskim submaksimalnim testom hoje na tekoči preprogi. Časovno merjeni test hoje po stopnicah smo uporabili za ugotavljanje funkcijske sposobnosti, in sicer na stopnišču z 12 stopnicami. Pri obeh testih smo s 15-stopenjsko Borgovo lestvico merili stopnjo občutenega napora. Rezultati: Ocenjena aerobna zmogljivost, čas hoje po stopnicah in stopnja občutenega napora se med skupinama niso statistično pomembno razlikovali. Frekvenca srčnega utripa ob koncu testa aerobne zmogljivosti je nakazovala (p = 0,073) višjo vrednost v skupini bolnikov. Negativna linearna povezanost (r = -0,49; p < 0,05) med aerobno zmogljivostjo in časom hoje po stopnicah je bila zaznana le v skupini bolnikov. Razprava in zaključek: Da je bila aerobna zmogljivost bolnikov, vključenih v našo raziskavo, primerljiva z zmogljivostjo zdravih preiskovancev, je verjetno odraz njihovega sicer dobrega funkcijskega statusa po EDSS, kar jim omogoča zadostno telesno dejavnost vsakodnevnega življenja. Zmerna obratno sorazmerna povezanost med aerobno zmogljivostjo in časom hoje po stopnicah kaže na pomen kardiorespiratornega sistema za opravljanje dejavnosti vsakodnevnega življenja pri tej populaciji bolnikov. Predvidevamo, da bi se povezanost med spremenljivkama v obeh skupinah zvišala, če bi za oceno hoje po stopnicah izbrali daljši in napornejši testni protokol.


magistrska dela;fizioterapija;multipla skleroza;aerobna zmogljivost;čas hoje po stopnicah;stopnja občutenega napora;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [S. Alagić]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 90991363 Link will open in a new window
Views: 159
Downloads: 36
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of aerobic capacity and its relation to stair negotiation time in patients with multiple sclerosis
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is the most common demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Its diverse symptoms affect the patient’s level of functioning. Aerobic capacity, which is the most important component of physical fitness, can also be affected. The extent of difference in aerobic capacity between patients with higher functional status and healthy population, and its relationship to stair negotiation time, has not been yet investigated in detail. Purpose: To assess aerobic capacity of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis with higher functional status and to determine its relationship to stair negotiation time. Methods: The multiple sclerosis group consisted of 20 patients with a diagnosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (⡤ 3 according to Expanded Disability Status Scale, EDSS), whereas a control group consisted of 20 healthy subjects. To assess the value of aerobic capacity, we performed a single-stage submaximal walking test on a treadmill. We used a timed stair test on a 12-step staircase to evaluate subjects’ functional ability. We also assessed rate of perceived exertion with 15-stage Borg scale during the tests. Results: The estimated aerobic capacity, stair negotiation time and ratings of perceived exertion were not significantly different between the groups. Heart rate at the end of the aerobic capacity test showed tendency (p = 0.073) of being higher in the patient group. A negative linear relationship between aerobic capacity and stair negotiation time (r = -0,49; p < 0,05) was observed only in the patient group. Discussion and conclusion: That aerobic capacity of patients was comparable to the capacity of healthy subjects is probably a reflection of their otherwise good functional status according to EDSS, which allows them to perform sufficient physical activity in everyday life. The moderate negative association between aerobic capacity and stair negotiation time pinpoints the importance of the cardiorespiratory capacity for performing daily activities in this patient population. We assume that stronger association between the two variables would have emerge in both groups, if a longer and more strenuous test protocol was used to assess stair negotiation time.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;physiotherapy;multiple sclerosis;aerobic capacity;stair negotiation time;rate of perceived exertion;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 31 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 14185106