diplomsko delo
Maja Rozman (Author), Suzana Mlinar (Reviewer), Andreja Mihelič Zajec (Mentor)


Uvod: Rak dojke ali gestacijski karcinom je najpogostejša oblika maligne bolezni žensk v nosečnosti. Ženske se zaradi šolanja, kariere in drugih razlogov pri vedno višji starosti odločijo za družino, zaradi česar je incidenca raka dojke v nosečnosti naraščajoča. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti psihosocialni vidik raka dojke v nosečnosti ter možnosti vključevanja zdravstvene nege. Želimo spoznati možnosti in vpliv zdravljenja na plod in plodnost ženske. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Iskanje literature je potekalo v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, PubMed in DiKUL, in sicer s pomočjo naslednjih ključnih besed: »rak dojke med nosečnostjo/breast cancer during pregnancy«, »rak dojke IN nosečnost/breast cancer AND pregnancy«, »psihološki vidik IN rak dojke/psychological impact AND breast cancer« OR »psychological impact AND breast cancer AND pregnancy«, »družinski člani IN rak dojke/family members AND breast cancer«. Iskanje literature smo opravili v časovnem obdobju od julija 2020 do aprila 2021. Rezultati: Ženske, ki se soočajo z rakom dojke v nosečnosti, se pogosto borijo s prisotnostjo depresije in tesnobe ter se počutijo izolirane iz socialnega okolja, kar privede do slabše kakovosti življenja. Razprava in zaključek: Ženske se pri vedno višji starosti, v povprečju pri 33 letih, odločijo za prvega otroka, zaradi česar se incidenca raka dojke v nosečnosti povečuje. Soočanje s postavljeno diagnozo v nosečnosti ni lahko in za žensko predstavlja velik stres, zato je pomembno, da ima ob sebi družino in vrstnike ter zdravstveno osebje, s katerim ustvari zaupljiv odnos. Znaki psihološke stiske pri ženski so pogosto prepozno prepoznani. Potrebna bi bila dodatna izobraževanja zdravstvenega tima pri obravnavi žensk z rakom dojke v nosečnosti.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;rak dojke;reproduktivno obdobje;zdravljenje;psihosocialni vidik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Rozman]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 91066115 Link will open in a new window
Views: 244
Downloads: 67
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Women's experiences with breast cancer in pregnancy
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Breast cancer or gestational cancer is the most common form of malignancy in pregnant women. Due to schooling, career and other reasons, women delay childbearing and that is what increases the incidence of breast cancer during pregnancy. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the psychosocial aspect of breast cancer in pregnancy, and the possibilities of including nursing. We would like to know the possibilities and impact of treatment on a woman's fetus and fertility. Methods: A descriptive method was used with a review of the professional and scientific literature in Slovene and English. The literature search was performed using the CINAHL, PubMed and DiKul databases, using the following keywords: »breast cancer during pregnancy«, »breast cancer AND pregnancy«, »psychological aspect AND breast cancer« OR »psychological impact AND breast cancer AND pregnancy«, »family members AND breast cancer «. The literature search took place between July 2020 and April 2021. Results: Women facing breast cancer during pregnancy often struggle with the presence of depression and anxiety, and they feel isolated from the social environment, leading to a lower quality of life. Discussion and conclusion: On average, women choose to have their first child at the age of 33, which increases the incidence of breast cancer during pregnancy. Coping with a diagnosis in pregnancy is not easy and represents a great stress for a woman, so it is important to have a family and peers with her, and medical staff with whom she creates a trusting relationship. Based on the literature, we found that signs of a woman's psychological distress are often recognized too late. Additional training by the health team in the treatment of women with breast cancer during pregnancy would be required.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing carebreast cancer;reproductive period;treatment;psychosocial aspect;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 42 str.
ID: 14185108