diplomsko delo
Vesna Ćorić (Author), Tomaž Lampe (Reviewer), Jasmina Primožič (Mentor), Doroteja Hren (Co-mentor)


Hipodontija je nepravilnost, ki pomeni manjkajoče zasnove enega ali največ šest zob. Zdravljenje hipodontije se najpogosteje začne pri mlajših pacientih z ortodontsko terapijo, zaključi pa se bodisi ortodontsko s prilagoditvijo okluzije ali pa se dokončno oskrbi s fiksno protetičnimi nadomestki oz. implantatno protetično oskrbo. V diplomskem delu želimo opisati hipodontijo in ostale zobne agenezije ter vrste zdravljenja, ki zajema ortodontsko terapijo ter kasnejšo fiksno protetično oskrbo z vsadki ali mostovi. Prav tako želimo predstaviti držalec prostora, postopek izdelave ter funkcije. Postopek in samo načrtovanje bo prikazano s slikovnim gradivom in opisom postopka. Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda zbiranja in pregleda literature. Glavni vir informacij bo strokovna literatura tujih in domačih raziskovalcev. Strokovna literatura zajema članke in poglavja iz strokovnih revij ter knjig. Literatura je najdena v knjižnicah in strokovnih bazah, kot so PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect itd. Držalci prostora bodo izdelani v zobnem laboratoriju v sodelovanju s somentorico. Izdelali smo držalce prostora pri dveh pacientih, tako na klasičen kot na digitalni način. Izdelali smo dva klasična držalca z žično zanko, držalec prostora z nebnim lokom in držalec prostora z lingvalnim lokom. Vsi držalci so bili narejeni na oba načina. Klasičen je obsegal prilagajanje konfekcijskega obročka in oblikovanje žice s kleščami, lotanje ter poliranje. Digitalni način pa je obsegal izdelavo digitalnega študijskega modela, oblikovanje v programu za digitalno modeliranje. Izdelki so bili dokumentirani s slikovnim gradivom v ustih pacienta, končno cementirani pa so bili držalci prostora izdelani na digitalni način. Skozi literaturo ugotavljamo pomen držalcev za zdravljenje agenezij, prav tako pa tudi uporabo digitalne tehnologije pri načrtovanju le-tega. V drugem delu diplomske naloge zato primerjamo izdelavo držalcev po klasični in digitalni metodi. Držalci prostora, oblikovani in izdelani v računalniškem programu, imajo boljše prileganje okoli zoba in manjše možnosti napak.


diplomska dela;laboratorijska zobna protetika;hipodontija;zobna agenezija;držalci prostora;fiksna protetika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [V. Ćorić]
UDC: 616.31
COBISS: 91312387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 251
Downloads: 51
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fixed space maintainers
Secondary abstract: Hypodontia is an anomaly that means the absence of rudiments of one or at most six teeth. Treatment of hypodontia in younger patients usually starts with orthodontic therapy and ends either orthodontically with occlusal adjustment or with fixed prosthetics and implants. In this paper, we aim to describe hypodontia and other dental agenesis and the types of treatment that include orthodontic therapy followed by fixed prosthodontic treatment with implants or dental bridges. We also want to present the space maintainer, its manufacturing process and its functions. The process and planning itself will be documented and illustrated with pictorial material and a description of the process. A descriptive method of literature collection and evaluation is used. The main source of information is professional literature, which includes articles as well as books and journal chapters. The literature is found in libraries and subject databases such as PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect, etc. Space maintainers are fabricated and documented in a dental laboratory in collaboration with the co-mentor. We made space maintainers for two patients, both in the classical and digital way. We made two classic maintainers with a wire loop, a space maintainers with a trans palatal arch and a space maintainer with a lingual arch. All space maintainers were made with both methods. The classic space maintainer consisted of adjusting the ready-made ring and shaping the wire with pliers, soldering and polishing. The digital one, on the other hand, involved the creation of a digital study model, design in a digital modeling program. The products were documented with pictorial material in the patient’s mouth, and finally cemented. Through the literature, we determine the importance of space maintainers for the treatment of agenesis, as well as the use of digital technology in its design. In the second part of the diploma thesis we therefore compare the production of holders by classical and digital methods. Space holders designed and manufactured in a computer program have a better fit around the tooth and less chance of error.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;laboratory dental prosthetics;hypodontia;dental agenesis;space maintainers;fixed prosthetics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 29 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 14196148