diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Vern Kragelj (Author), Srečko Krope (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu, smo se posvetili nastanku korupcije, njenemu zatiranju, organizacijam, ki se ukvarjajo z zatiranjem korupcije, ter primerjavo stopnje korupcije in načinov spoprijemanja s tem pojavom Danske in Somalije. Korupcija v modernem svetu predstavlja enega večjih problemov. Z gotovostjo lahko trdimo, da to še zdaleč ni nek nov problem, saj se z njo spopadamo že tisočletja. Je pojav, ki ga je zelo težko odkriti in dokazati, zato se redko srečamo s kakšno prijavo in škandalom povezanim s korupcijo. S pomočjo korupcije se na napačna mesta lahko prebijejo napačni ljudje, to pa lahko vpliva zelo slabo na prebivalstvo in samo kvaliteto življenja v državi. Kršitelji s korupcijo poskrbijo za svoje dobro, medtem pa lahko močno oškodujejo druge ljudi, državo, podjetja ali katero koli drugo institucijo v kateri so prisotni. S pomočjo organizacij in njihovih dokumentov, oziroma listin, ki podprejo države pri zatiranju korupcije, se veliko držav do neke mere otepe te problematike, vendar pa korupcije še nikomur ni uspelo popolnoma izbrisati. Organizacije se s svojimi listinami in dokumenti močno trudijo, da zatrejo ta škodljiv pojav, najbolj pomembne pa so pri zatiranju korupcije države, katerih naloga je, da ukrepe ustrezno implementirajo, poostrijo zakonodajo, izboljšajo integriteto, kršitelje ustrezno kaznujejo in s tem pripomorejo, da se morebitni bodoči kršitelji premislijo. Pomembno pa je tudi to, da se na prava mesta postavijo pravi in zaupanja vredni ljudje, z visoko stopnjo integritete in poštenosti. Korupcija najbolj škoduje slabše razvitim državam in državam v tranziciji, ter s tem posledično tudi njihovim prebivalcem, ki posledično najbolj nastradajo zaradi škodljivih posledic korupcije na državo in na način življenja v njej. Korupcija navadno najbolj tepe ljudi srednjega ali nižjega razreda, saj si posamezniki na visokih položajih vzamejo toliko sredstev zase, da le teh za nižji sloj zmanjka. Prav zaradi tega je zatiranje korupcije izredno pomembno, saj moč držav stoji na ramenih običajnih, delovnih ljudi, ki pa zaradi slabih razmer, ki jih povzroča korupcija, svoje domovine prepogosto zapuščajo, z namenom iskanja boljšega življenja drugje.


korupcija;integriteta;preprečevanje korupcije;primerjave;Danska;Somalija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [V. Kragelj]
UDC: 343.352(043.2)
COBISS: 93048067 Link will open in a new window
Views: 271
Downloads: 102
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Corruption and the fight against corruption
Secondary abstract: In the diploma, we focused on the emergence of corruption, its suppression, organizations involved in the suppression of corruption, and we also compared the level of corruption and ways to deal with this phenomenon in Denmark and Somalia. Corruption is one of the biggest problems in the modern world. We can say with certainty that this is far from a new problem, as we have been dealing with it for a millennia. It is a phenomenon that is very difficult to detect and prove, so we rarely encounter any report and scandal related to corruption. With the help of corruption, which can get the wrong people into the wrong places, it can have a very bad effect on the population and the quality of life in the country itself. Corrupt offenders take care of their own good, but in the process they can severely harm other people, the country, a company, or any other institution in which they are present. With the help of organizations and documents that support countries in combating corruption, some countries are able to get rid of this problem to some degree, but no country has ever managed to completely erase corruption. Organizations are working hard to suppress this harmful phenomenon with their documents and papers, but the most important part in combating corruption are the countries, whose task is to properly implement measures, tighten legislation, improve integrity, appropriately punish the offenders and thus help to make potential future offenders reconsider. It is also important that the right and trustworthy people, with a high level of fairness and integrity, are put in the right places. Corruption is most detrimental to less developed countries and countries in transition, and consequently to their people, which ultimately suffer the most, due to the harmful effects of corruption on the country and it’s lifestyle. Corruption usually hits hardest the people in the middle, or lower class, as individuals in high positions take so much money for themselves, that the money for the lower class people runs out. This is why the suppression of corruption is extremely important, as the power of the countries rests on the shoulders of ordinary, hard working people, who too often leave their homelands, with intentions of finding a better life somewhere else, due to the poor conditions caused by corruption.
Secondary keywords: corruption;fighting corruption;integrity;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: IX f., 47 str.
ID: 14219181