diplomsko delo
Anže Milič (Author), Goran Vukovič (Mentor), Anja Žnidaršič (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo raziskali stanje slovenskega klubskega in reprezentančnega nogometa. Opredelili smo, katere vrste strokovnih timov delujejo v nogometnih organizacijah in razložili njihove funkcije. Opredelili smo tudi težave, ki pestijo klubski in reprezentančni nogomet. Težave so povezane ena z drugo, zato lahko rečemo, da se slovenski nogomet vrti v začaranem krogu. Primerjali smo tudi stanje slovenskega nogometa s stanjem nogometa v sosednjih državah. Na podlagi ankete, ki je bila razdeljena med strokovno javnost (ljudje iz sveta nogometa), smo poskušali pridobiti mnenje o trenutnem stanju nogometa pri nas ter odkriti razloge za tako stanje. Na podlagi metode spraševanja z zaprtim in polodprtim tipom vprašanj smo ugotavljali mnenja strokovne javnosti o stanju slovenskega nogometa. Rezultati vprašalnika niso bili obetajoči, saj je generalna ocena – tako klubskega kot reprezentančnega – nogometa v Sloveniji slaba. Ugotovili smo, da je krivda za tako stanje slovenskega klubskega nogometa predvsem na plečih upravljalskih nogometnih timov. Strokovna javnost je slovenski klubski nogomet opredelila kot nekonkurenčen, nezanimiv in nekakovosten. Glede reprezentančnega nogometa smo ugotovili, da največjo krivdo za trenutno situacijo nosita upravljavski tim NZS in igralski tim. Za slabo igro in rezultate reprezentance pa naj bi bilo krivo to, da reprezentanti igrajo na prenizkem klubskem nivoju in da v klubih niso deležni visoke minutaže. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave smo v sklepnem delu naloge ponudili seznam rešitev, ki bi lahko dvignil kakovost stanja nogometa pri nas.


nogomet;Slovenija;konkurenčnost;reprezentanca;strokovni timi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Milič]
UDC: 796/799
COBISS: 100198403 Link will open in a new window
Views: 87
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Competitiveness of slovenian football on an international stage
Secondary abstract: In our diploma thesis we studied the condition of Slovenian club and national team football. We defined which types of expert teams are functioning in football organisations and their function. Furthermore we defined the problems that are present in club and national team football. The problems are well connected to one another, therefore we can say, that Slovenian football is circling in a »magical loop«. We also compared the level of Slovenian football with the levels of football in out neighbour countries. Based on a survey that was shared with the expert public (people from the world of football), we tried to gain their opinion on current level of our football and to find out the reasons for the existing level. In the survey, we used a method of questioning with closed and half-opened types of questions. With it, we were finding out the opinion of expert public about the condition of Slovenian football. The results of the survey were not promising at all. The general evaluation of both club and national team football, was bad. We found out that the reason for the condition of Slovenian club football lies in the managing teams of Slovenian clubs. The respondents defined Slovenian club football as noncompetitive and not interesting. For the current condition of our national team football, the respondents blamed the managing team of the Slovenian FA and the team of players. The blame for the bad results and a low level of football, that Slovenian national team is showing, should be placed on facts that national team representatives play on a low-club level and that they do not receive enough playing time, in their club, to be consistent and to raise their level of game. Based on the survey results, we offered a list of solutions that could – in theory – raise the level of Slovenian football.
Secondary keywords: Nogomet;Poklicni športi;Uspeh;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VIII, 49 f.
ID: 14223862