Daša Krapež (Author), Aleš Straže (Author), Matevž Kokot (Author), Manja Kitek Kuzman (Author), Mirko Kariž (Author)


Three-dimensional (3D) printing with wood-plastic composites is already well known, and the use of wood in four-dimensional (4D) printing is being increasingly explored. 4D printing is an evolving area of additive technologies where, with the appropriate design of 3D printing and use of appropriate materials, we can create products that change shape and form dynamic structures when triggered externally. In 4D printing, the hygroscopicity of wood – usually considered a disadvantage – can be used as a positive property to design products that change their shape according to climatic conditions, especially humidity. In this research, we used the FDM (fused deposition modelling) technology of 3D printing PLA (polylactic acid) and wood-plastic composites (wood-PLA) to produce specimens with different material proportions, whose response to changing climatic conditions we monitored. To monitor the change in shape, or curvature, we fabricated composite test specimens using the bimetal principle (actuators), in which we used PLA for the passive layer and wood-PLA for the active layer in different thickness ratios and exposed them to laboratory and external conditions.The results showed that the wood content of the wood-plastic composites leads to dimensional changes in a changing climate, resulting in changes in the shape of the designed actuators. The change in shape depends on the thickness ratio of the layers in the two-layer actuator, the sorption of water vapor, and the wood content in the wood-plastic composite used


les;3D tisk;4D tisk;lesno-plastični kompoziti;materiali z oblikovnim spominom;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
UDC: 630*8
COBISS: 91649795 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0024-1067
Views: 157
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of wood-plastic composites in 4D printing technology
Secondary abstract: Tridimenzionalni tisk (3D) z uporabo lesno-plastičnih filamentov je že dobro poznan, vse bolj pa se raziskuje tudi uporaba lesa v štiridimenzionalnem (4D) tisku. 4D tisk je razvijajoče se področje dodajalnih tehnologij, kjer s primerno zasnovo 3D tiskanja in uporabo ustreznih materialov naredimo izdelke, ki ob ustreznih zunanjih sprožilcih spreminjajo obliko in tvorijo dinamične strukture. Pri 4D tisku lahko higroskopnost lesa - običajno pojmovano kot njegovo pomanjkljivost - izkoristimo in zasnujemo izdelke, ki spremenijo obliko glede na spremembo klimatskih pogojev, predvsem vlažnost okolice.V raziskavi smo s FDM tehnologijo (modeliranje s spajanjem slojev) 3D tiska iz PLA (polimlečna kislina) in lesno-pla-stičnih filamentov (les-PLA) izdelali preizkušance z različnimi razmerji materialov, pri katerih smo spremljali odziv v spreminjajočih klimatskih pogojih. Za spremljanje spremembe oblike, kot je ukrivljanje, smo izdelali sestavljene preizkušance po principu bimetala (aktuatorje), kjer smo za pasivno plast (ob spremembi vlažnosti okolice ne spreminja svojih dimenzij) uporabili PLA, za aktivno plast (spreminja dimenzije ob spremembi vlažnosti okolice) pa les-PLA v različnih razmerjih debelin ter jih izpostavili laboratorijskim ter zunanjim pogojem.Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek lesa pri lesno-plastičnih kompozitih v spreminjajoči se klimi povzroča dimenzijske spremembe in s tem spremembe oblike načrtovanih aktuatorjev. Sprememba oblike je odvisna od razmerja debelin slojev materialov v dvoslojnem aktuatorju, od sorpcije vodne pare ter od vsebnosti lesa v uporabljenem lesno-plastičnem kompozitu
Secondary keywords: 3D printing;4D printing;wood;wood-plastic composites;shape memory materials;
Pages: str. 53-69
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ70
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2021
DOI: 10.26614/les-wood.2021.v70n02a05
ID: 14259062
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