Matjaž Pavlič (Author), Jure Vrbec (Author), Jure Žigon (Author), Marko Petrič (Author)


Po premazovanju lesa in izpostavitvi zunanjim klimatskim pogojem in/ali višjim temperaturam lahko na mestih, kjer so prisotne grče, pride do obarvanja utrjenega filma, ki ga povzročajo hidrofilni in lipofilni ekstraktivi. Zaradi tega je odpornost premaznega sistema proti obarvanju zaradi grč v lesu zelo pomembna. V naši raziskavi smo preizkusili nekaj osnovnih tipov belo pigmentiranih sistemov. Pri tem smo metodo SIST EN 927-7:2020 ustrezno prilagodili našim zmogljivostim, jo optimizirali in kritično presodili, ali so kje možne izboljšave standardizirane metode. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da je odpornost premaznih sistemov proti obarvanju zaradi grč v lesu povezana z vrsto topila v premazih, s prekrivnostjo sistema in njegovo slojnostjo oz. debelino suhega filma. Premazi na osnovi organskih topil so se izkazali za boljše, prav tako tisti, ki so vsebovali več pigmentov, in tisti z večjo debelino suhega filma. Prav tako smo dokazali, da lahko z vrednotenjem barvnih razlik na mestih z grčami in brez njih že pred izpostavitvijo in upoštevanjem te izhodiščne barvne razlike pri vrednotenju razlik po izpostavitvi premazne sisteme veliko bolj objektivno razvrstimo po njihovi učinkovitosti proti obarvanju zaradi grč v lesu. Na podlagi te ugotovitve menimo, da je standardizirano metodo potrebno ustrezno korigirati




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
UDC: 630*829.18
COBISS: 91641347 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0024-1067
Views: 144
Downloads: 58
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Knot staining resistance of wood coatings
Secondary abstract: After the wood has been coated and exposed to external climatic conditions and/or elevated temperatures, staining of the coating film by hydrophilic and lipophilic extractives may occur where knots are located. For this reason, the knot staining resistance of the coating system is very important. In our study, we tested some basic types of white pigmented systems. In doing so, we adapted the method SIST EN 927-7:2020 according to our capabilities, optimized it and critically evaluated whether there is a room for improvement of the standardized method. The results of our research showed that the knot staining resistance of coating systems is related to the type of solvent in the coatings, the hiding power of the system and its build-up or dry film thickness. Accordingly, solvent-borne coatings were found to be better, as were those containing more pigments and those with a higher dry film thickness. We have also found that by evaluating the colour difference on the regions with and without knots before exposure and accounting for this colour difference in evaluation of colour differences after exposure, we can make a much more objective classification of coating systems according to their effectiveness against knot staining. Based on this finding, we believe that the standardized method needs to be corrected accordingly
Secondary keywords: knot;coating;wood;staining;
Pages: str. 41-51
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ70
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2021
DOI: 10.26614/les-wood.2021.v70n02a04
ID: 14259063