diplomsko delo
Anita Treven Milosheski (Author), Robert Sotler (Reviewer), Aljoša Lapanja (Mentor)


Uvod: Obporodno obdobje je obdobje številnih sprememb žensk, kar poveča možnost za razvoj duševnih motenj ali njihovega relapsa. Stres mater v času nosečnosti in jemanje psihofarmakov lahko negativno vplivata na izid nosečnosti, tako za mater kot za otroka. Vloga medicinskih sester v povezavi z drugimi člani multidisciplinarnega tima zagotavlja dobro informiranost žensk in njihovih družin pri odločitvi za zdravo nosečnost žensk in še nerojenega otroka. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je izpostaviti pomen zdravstveno vzgojnega dela medicinskih sester v povezavi z jemanjem psihofarmakov v obporodnem obdobju žensk s kronično duševno motnjo. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda raziskovalnega dela, in sicer pregled slovenske in tuje literature. Pri iskanju smo upoštevali nabor ustrezne literature znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov ter druge oblike ustreznih virov literature, ki obravnavajo temo diplomskega dela. Obdobje iskanja literature je potekalo od decembra 2020 do septembra 2021. Rezultati: Kljub možnostim tveganja v obporodnem obdobju se je zdravljenje s psihofarmaki izkazalo za dokaj varno. Malo je predstavnikov iz skupin psihofarmakov, ki jih v tem času ne priporočajo oziroma imajo teratogene učinke. Kljub rednim pregledom v nosečnosti je pomembno natančno spremljanje bolezni s strani psihiatra, merjenje vsebnosti zdravila v krvi in prilagajanje odmerka glede na potrebe. Medicinske sestre informirajo ženske in družine o njihovi bolezni ter znakih relapsa. Brez obsojanja nudijo podporo in pomagajo ženskam skozi mirno nosečnost in porod. Razprava in zaključek: Osebna prepričanja žensk in njihove izkušnje vplivajo na odločitev o jemanju zdravil med nosečnostjo. Naloga medicinskih sester je, da ženske informirajo in jih podpirajo pri njihovi odločitvi. Empatija in sproščena komunikacija omogočata dober terapevtski odnos. Medicinske sestre predstavljajo pomemben del v celoti zdravljenja duševnih motenj pri ženskah in s tem vplivajo na dober izid nosečnosti ter poroda.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;duševno zdravje;nosečnost;porod;psihofarmakoterapija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Treven Milosheski]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 93470979 Link will open in a new window
Views: 273
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Health education work in perinatal period of women suffering from chronic mental disorders in relation to taking psychopharmaceuticals
Secondary abstract: Introduction: The perinatal period is a period of many changes in a woman, which increase the chances of developing a mental illness or relapse of a disease. Maternal stress during pregnancy and taking psychopharmaceuticals can negatively affect the outcome of pregnancy for both mother and child. The role of a nurse in conjunction with other members of the multidisciplinary team ensures that a woman and her family are well informed when deciding on a healthy pregnancy for her and the unborn child. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to highlight the importance of health education work of a nurse in connection with the use of psychopharmaceuticals in the perinatal period of a woman with a chronic mental disorder. Methods: A descriptive method of research work was used in writing the diploma thesis, namely a review of Slovenian and foreign literature. In the search, we took into account a set of relevant scientific and professional articles and other forms of relevant sources of literature that address the topic of the thesis. The literature search period ran from December 2020 to September 2021. Results: Despite potential risks during the perinatal period, treatment with psychopharmaceuticals has been shown to be fairly safe. There are few representatives from the group of psychopharmaceuticals that are not recommended or have teratogenic effects at this time. Despite regular check-ups during pregnancy, it is important to closely monitor the illness by a psychiatrist, measure the content of the medicine in the blood and adjust the dose according to the needs. Nurse informs a woman and her family about her illness and signs of relapse. Nurse offers support without condemnation and helps a woman through a peaceful pregnancy and childbirth. Discussion and conclusion: Women’s personal beliefs and their experience influence the decision to take medication during pregnancy. It is a nurse’s job to inform women and support them in their decision. In particular, empathy and relaxed communication enable a good therapeutic relationship. Thus, nurse represents an important part in the overall treatment of mental illness in women and thus affects the good outcome of pregnancy and childbirth.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;mental health;pregnancy;childbirth;psychopharmacotherapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 14294125