Sara Hudarin (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Author)


Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je opredelitev problematike ponarejanja na eni strani in odnos ljudi do nakupa blagovnih znamk višjega cenovnega razreda na drugi. Prispevek naj bi v bralcu vzbudil zanimanje za izvor izdelkov, ki jih ponujajo na trgu, prav tako naj bi ga tema pritegnila k razmišljanju in razumevanju problematike ponarejanja. Metode: Avtorja v delu uporabita deskriptivno metodo. V tem okviru na podlagi izbrane domače in tuje literature uporabita še metodo analize in interpretacije vsebine pisnih in internetnih virov. Drugi del prispevka je namenjen empirični metodi. Z uporabo kvantitativne tehnike analizirata stanje in odnos ljudi do ponaredkov v Sloveniji. V ta namen uporabita spletno anketo, sestavljeno iz vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Nadaljujeta z nestandardiziranim intervjujem predstavnika vodilne slovenske oblačilne verige. Pridobljene podatke obdelata kvantitativno in kvalitativno. Ugotovitve: Večina ponarejenih izdelkov prihaja iz Kitajske (Shanghai – Science and Technology Museum oziroma Underground Market, Tao Bao City, Qipo Road Market; Guangzhou), Italije (Neapelj), Turčije (Carigrad) in območja bivše Jugoslavije (Novi Pazar). Dokazovanje, da gre za ponaredek na trgu, je najpogosteje prepuščeno kar imetniku zaščitene blagovne znamke. Ker tržni inšpektorat ni ustrezno usposobljen za dokazovanje, da gre za ponaredek, mora dokaze o tem predložiti imetnik zaščitene blagovne znamke. Kršitve intelektualne lastnine so opredeljene kot kaznivo dejanje, kadar gre za naklepno dejanje, storjeno v komercialno korist. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Zaradi načina zbiranja podatkov in vzorca raziskava odraža značilnosti potrošnikov in njihov odnos do te problematike. Praktična uporabnost: Izsledki članka nam dajejo osnovo za nadaljnje raziskovanje problematike ponarejanja, hkrati pa nakazujejo na možne rešitve obravnavanega problema na regionalni, nacionalni in globalni ravni. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Prispevek analizira mnenje o odnosu do nakupa ponaredkov blagovnih znamk višjega cenovnega razreda in pogled pooblaščenih ponudnikov izdelkov blagovnih znamk na problematiko ponarejanja v Sloveniji. Avtorja ugotovitve aplicirata na slovenski trg ter predlagata rešitve na represivnem in preventivnem področju.


organizirana kriminaliteta;ponaredki;blagovne znamke;intelektualna lastnina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
UDC: 343.533
COBISS: 2564842 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1580-0253
Parent publication: Varstvoslovje
Views: 1212
Downloads: 177
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Counterfeit Luxury Brands
Secondary abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to define the problem of counterfeiting on the one hand and the standpoint of people to buy the higher price bracket brands on the other. The paper should make the reader interested in the origin of the products offered in the market, and also to make him thinking and understanding the problem of counterfeiting. Design/Methods/Approach: The authors used the descriptive method. In this context, on the basis of domestic and foreign literature selected, they also used the method of analyze and interpretation of the written and internet sources. The second part of the paper used the empirical method. Using quantitative techniques, they analyze the situation and attitude of people towards counterfeits in Slovenia. For this purpose, they used online poll with the closed-ended questions. They continued with the unstandardized interview of the leading Slovenian clothing chain representative. Resulting data are processed quantitatively and qualitatively. Findings: Most of the counterfeit products come from China (Shanghai – Science and Technology Museum resp. Underground Market, Tao Bao City, Qipo Road Market; Guangzhou), Italy (Naples), Turkey (Istanbul), territory of the former Yugoslavia (Novi Pazar). Proving that it is counterfeit product on the market is usually left to the holder of the trademark. Since the market inspectorate is not adequately trained to demonstrate that a product is a counterfeit, the evidence should be submitted by the holder of the trademark. Violations of intellectual property are defined as a crime in the case of intentional act, committed for the commercial benefit. Research Limitations/Implications: Due to the mode of data and sample collection, the survey reflects the characteristics of consumers and their attitude towards this issue. Practical implications: The article results provide us with a basis for further counterfeiting problem research, and also suggest possible solutions for the presented problem on a regional, national and global level. Originality/Value: The paper analyzes the opinion of the standpoint on purchasing higher price bracket brand counterfeits and the view of authorized providers of branded products on the counterfeiting problem in Slovenia. The authors apply their findings to the Slovenian market, and propose solutions on the repressive and preventive field.
Secondary keywords: organized crime;counterfeit;brands;intellectual property;breaches of intellectual property law;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 116-136
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ15
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2013
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;criminal law;penal offences;kazensko pravo;kazniva dejanja;offences against public credit;morality;the family;
ID: 1437243
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