magistrsko delo
Aleš Repovž (Author), Liliana Brožič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu z naslovom Vpliv prepovedanih substanc na mladoletnike in njihovo varnost v prevzgojnem domu smo obravnavali mladoletnike, ki so oddani na prestajanje ukrepa v Prevzgojni dom Radeče. Predstavili smo zakonsko ureditev oddaje mladoletnikov v prevzgojni dom. Poseben poudarek smo namenili zagotavljanju varnosti v Prevzgojnem domu Radeče. Osredotočili smo se na varnost mladoletnikov pri izobraževanju in delovno-učnem procesu. Prav tako smo navedli in opisali različna psihofizična stanja mladoletnikov pod vlivom prepovedanih substanc in kako to vpliva na varnost v Prevzgojnem domu Radeče. Obravnavali smo postopke za ugotavljanje prisotnosti prepovedanih substanc, načine testiranja in različne vedenjske vzorce mladoletnikov pod vplivom le-teh. Z anketiranjem mladoletnikov smo pridobili podatke o uživanju prepovedanih substanc v Prevzgojnem domu Radeče, medtem ko smo z intervjuji med zaposlenimi pridobili podatke o problematiki vnosa prepovedanih substanc in zaznavanju ter najdbi prepovedanih substanc med mladoletniki. Rezultati so pokazali, da v Prevzgojnem domu Radeče 86 % anketiranih mladoletnikov uživa prepovedane substance, nekateri tudi pri delovno-učnem procesu. Ugotovili smo, da mladoletniki najpogosteje vnašajo prepovedane substance v Prevzgojni dom Radeče ob vračanju z izhodov. Zaposleni opažajo pri mladoletnikih, ki uživajo prepovedane substance, različne psihofizične znake, na katere so vsi pozorni, zlasti pri rokovanju z nevarnimi orodji in stroji pri delovno-učnem procesu. Pri pisanju smo uporabili deduktivno metodo, analizo in interpretacijo primarnih in sekundarnih virov, opisno, zgodovinsko, kvantitativno in kvalitativno metodo ter metodo anketiranja, metodo z lastno udeležbo, v zaključnem delu pa metodo sinteze


varnost;mladoletniki;prepovedane substance;delovno-učni proces;Prevzgojni dom Radeče;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [A. Repovž]
UDC: 343.811(497.4Radeče):613.8(043.2)
COBISS: 93761795 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The majority of research for my master's thesis entitled The influence of illicit substances on adolescents and their safety in an Educational-Correctional Home was done by observing underaged adolescents at the Radeče Correctional Home. In my thesis I have described the legal framework of admitting minors into a correctional facility and their safety during the educational and practical assignments. I have also described their various physical and mental states under the influence of different substances and how it affects their well-being and safety. In addition, I have cited various methods of drug-abuse identification and different behavioural patterns of teenagers under the influence of illicit substances. By using different questionnaires, I have gathered various data about illicit drugs abuse within the Correctional Home and by interviewing the staff I have outlined the main methods of drug-entry, drug detection and described how to prevent drugs from being carried into the Home. The results showed that 86% of adolescents use illicit drugs; some during their daily educational and/or practical assignments. It was established that the majority of adolescents bring in the drugs when coming back from their homes. Various physical and mental signs of drug abuse have been observed by the staff, especially with those minors who have been working with dangerous tools in their practical assignments. In writing my thesis I have used a deductive method of analysis as well as interpreting primary and secondary sources of information. In my writing I have used the descriptive, historical, quantitative and qualitative methods as well as interviews for gathering different kinds of data. For the conclusion I have used the synthesis method.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 17. 1. 2022;
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (86 str.))
ID: 14381860