Omar Gamal (Author), Marko Kompara (Editor), Marko Hölbl (Editor), Tatjana Welzer-Družovec (Editor)


To je zbirno poročilo o delu, opravljenem v prvem intelektualnem rezultatu na temo izzivov v komunikaciji (angl. Intellectual Output One: Communication Challenges) za projekt Spodbujanje vključujočega izobraževanja z mednarodno kretnjo (ang. Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign) – InSign. To poročilo združuje in povzema rezultate nacionalnih poročil, ki so jih pripravili projektni partnerji iz Cipra, Nemčije, Grčije, Portugalske in Slovenije. Ta dokument vključuje informacije o nacionalnih znakovnih jezikih, podpori gluhim osebam in njihovih možnostih izobraževanja v različnih državah. Pregledali smo stanje mednarodne kretnje v vseh partnerskih državah. Izvedli smo tudi vprašalnik, v katerem smo predvsem od študentov zbirali informacije o tem kako dojemajo gluhe osebe, Koliko poznajo znakovni jezik in s kakšnimi težavami mislijo, da se gluhi in naglušni srečujejo v izobraževalnem sistemu. V tem dokumentu bomo analizirali skupne podatke, zbrane pri vseh projektnih partnerjih. Vsak partner je opravil tudi voden intervju s tistimi, ki najbolje poznajo gluho skupnost (sami gluhi, pedagogi, tolmači itd.), da bi bolje razumeli okoliščine in odgovorili na nekatera vprašanja, ki jih je težko najti v literaturi. Konsolidirano poročilo v krajši obliki povzema intervjuje iz nacionalnih poročil z glavnimi ugotovitvami.


mednarodna kretnja;znakovni jezik;vključujoče izobraževanje;komunikacijski izzivi;gluhe skupnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
UDC: 37.091.3-056.263(0.034.2)
COBISS: 95493891 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-569-6
Views: 108
Downloads: 10
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Communication Challenges in Inclusive Education Faced by Deaf and Non-deaf People
Secondary abstract: This is a consolidated report on the work done in Intellectual Output One: Communication Challenges for the Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign - InSign project. This report combines and summarises the results obtained in national reports done by project partners from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Portugal, and Slovenia. This document includes information on national sign languages, support for deaf people and their learning possibilities in different countries. In one section, we will review the status of International Sign in all the partner countries. We have also performed surveys done primarily with students to measure how they perceive deaf people, how they understand sign language and the difficulties deaf face in the education system. In this document, we analyse the data collected across the project partners. Each partner has also performed a guided interview with those most familiar with the deaf community (deaf themselves, educators, interpreters etc.) to help better understand the circumstances and answer some of the questions difficult to find in literature. The Consolidated Report summarises interview findings from national reports with the main takeaways.
Secondary keywords: international sign;sign language;inclusive education;communication challenges;deaf communities;
DOI: 10.18690/um.feri.6.2022
ID: 14408395