Jernej Ogorevc (Author), Peter Dovč (Author)


The importance of pluripotent cells, which can differentiate in to different cell lineages and form an entire organism, is fundamental for understanding developmental biology including emerging diseases and offers potential for numerous applications in medicine and biotechnology. However, molecular mechanisms behind differentiation and de-differentiation (reprogramming) remain largely unknown. Until recently it was possible to obtain stem cells only from embryos in the early stages of development (embryonic stem cells - ESCs) or by using very inefficient and technically difficult method of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) that requires use of egg cells (oocytes). Both methods raised ethical concerns, especially when using human biological material. On the other hand, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be generated by direct reprogramming of differentiated adult somatic cells. iPSCs show similarities to ESCs and represent ethically acceptable and almost unlimited source of individuum-specific pluripotent cells. iPSCs are particularly important for development of regenerative medicine, disease modelling, drug development and testing, basic research, generation of transgenic animals, and for conservation of endangered species. However, before it is possible to exploit their potential in full, reprogramming processes should be investigated and understood in details and safe methods developed - that will enable production of genetically and epigenetically stable cells without tumorigenic potential. This article provides an overview of the field of iPSCs and addresses some of the latest achievements and applications of pluripotent cells in human and farm animals.


molecular genetics;reprogramming;iPS cells;plurioitency;stem cells;humans;farm animals;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Biotehniška fakulteta
UDC: 575
COBISS: 3161992 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1581-9175
Parent publication: Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Views: 1407
Downloads: 359
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Pluripotentne matične celice in reprogramiranje pri človeku in domačih živalih
Secondary abstract: Pomen pluripotentnih celic, ki se lahko diferencirajo v katerokoli celično linijo in omogočajo nastanek celotnega organizma, je bistven za razumevanje razvojne biologije in pojava številnih bolezni ter predstavlja velik aplikativni potencial za medicino in biotehnologijo. Molekularni mehanizmi, pomembni za procese diferenciacije in de-diferenciacije (reprogramiranja), ostajajo v veliki meri nepojasnjeni. Do nedavno je bilo pluripotentne celice mogoče pridobiti le iz embrijev v zgodnjih stopnjah razvoja (embrionalne matične celice - EMC) ali z uporabo dokaj neučinkovite in tehnično zahtevne metode prenosa jedra somatskih celic (PJSC), ki zahteva uporabo jajčnih celic (oocitov). Obe metodi sprožata številne etične pomisleke, še posebej pri uporabi humanega biološkega materiala. Nasprotno pa lahko inducirane pluripotentne matične celice (iPMC) pridobimo z direktnim reprogramiranjem diferenciranih odraslih somatskih celic. Po svojih lastnostih so iPMC podobne EMC in predstavljajo etično sprejemljiv in tako rekoč neomejen vir pluripotentnih celic, ki so po svojem genotipu skladne s posameznikovim. iPMC so še posebej pomembne za razvoj regenerativne medicine, modeliranje bolezni, razvoj in testiranje zdravil, bazične raziskave, pripravo transgenskih živali in ohranjanje ogroženih vrst. Preden bo mogoče docela izkoristiti njihov potencial, je potrebno podrobno pojasniti in razumeti procese reprogramiranja in razviti varne metode reprogramiranja, ki bodo omogočale pridobivanje genetsko in epigenetsko stabilnih celic brez tumorigenega potenciala. Članek ponuja širši pregled področja, z nekaterimi najnovejšimi dosežki na področju pridobivanja iPMC in njihovimi monimi aplikacijami pri človeku in domačih živalih.
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 89-95
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ100
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2012
Keywords (UDC): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;biological sciences in general;biologija;general genetics;general cytogenetics;splošna genetika;splošna citogenetika;
ID: 1445744
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