magistrsko delo
Jana Berlic (Author), Sara Ahlin Doljak (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu bomo dali poudarek mediaciji, družinski mediaciji zgodovinskemu razvoju po svetu in začetkih pri nas ter spreminjanju ustrezne zakonodaje za uvedbo na naših sodiščih. Z alternativnim načinom reševanja sporov mislimo na različne postopke, pri katerih stranke, ki so v sporu, namesto s pomočjo sodišča poskušajo spor rešiti same, s pomočjo nevtralnega, posebej usposobljenega posrednika – mediatorja. Metode: Poleg standardnih virov smo si pri pisanju magistrskega dela pomagali s programi sodišč o mediaciji, statistiko sodišč o izvedenih mediacijah, z internimi gradivi sodišč in s celotno zakonodajo s tega področja (sekundarni podatki). Prvi del magistrskega je teoretični, drugi del pa raziskovalni. Uporabljene metode so: komparacija, deskripcija, sinteza, analiza in induktivnodeduktivna metoda. Rezultati: Pri vseh vrstah mediacije prevečkrat poudarjamo njeno zvezo z zmanjšanjem sodnih zaostankov, namesto da bi jo videli kot kvalitativni vidik, ki je njeno bistvo, to je sporazumna in mirna rešitev spora, ki je pravna vrednota. Pri družinskih mediacijah gre za sodnim in upravnim postopkom pridružen postopek alternativnega reševanja spora med zakonci, partnerji, kjer je treba le-te spodbuditi, da se glede medsebojnih osebnih stikov in prihodnjih odnosov, ki jih bodo morali imeti zaradi vzgoje, varstva in preživljanja otrok, ter zaradi delitve premoženja dogovorijo, saj bodo tako v prihodnosti lažje sodelovali, to pa bo najbolj koristilo otrokom, ki jih že sami razvezni postopki močno prizadenejo. Ugotovitve: Postopki, faze, načela mediacije so podprti z mednarodnimi konvencijami in priporočili, prav tako z nacionalno zakonodajo, za družinsko mediacijo pa je pomemben sprejem povsem nove zakonodaje, zapisane v Družinskem zakoniku, sprejetem leta 2017, in ustrezne dodatne zakonodaje za popolno implementacijo zakonika.


mediacija;mediator;Družinski zakonik;družinska mediacija;sodišču pridružena mediacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [J. Brelic]
UDC: 347.6(043.2)
COBISS: 93759747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis we will focus on mediation, family mediation, historical development around the world and its beginnings in our country, and changing the relevant legislation for introduction in our courts. By an alternative way of resolving disputes, we have in mind various procedures in which the parties to the dispute, instead of with the help of the court, try to resolve the dispute themselves, with the help of a neutral, specially trained mediator. Methods: In addition to standard sources, we used court programs on mediation, court statistics on conducted mediations, internal court materials and all legislation in this field (secondary data) when writing a master's thesis. The first part of the master's degree is theoretical and the second part is research. The methods used are: comparison, description, synthesis, analysis and inductive-deductive method. Results: In all types of mediation, we often emphasize its connection with the reduction of court backlogs, instead of seeing it as a qualitative aspect, which is its essence, that is, an agreeable and peaceful solution to a dispute, which is a legal value. Family mediation is a judicial and administrative procedure associated with the procedure of alternative dispute resolution between spouses, partners, where they should be encouraged to discuss and arrange personal contacts and future relationships, that they will have, because of the upbringing, care and maintenance of children, so as the division of property, so all of this will make it easier for them to work together in the future, and will mostly be a benefit of the children, who are already severely affected by divorce proceedings.. Discussion: Procedures, stages, principles of mediation are supported by international conventions and recommendations, as well as national legislation, and for family mediation it is important to adopt completely new legislation written in the Family Code adopted in 2017 and relevant additional legislation for full implementation of the Code.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 17. 1. 2022;
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (108 str.))
ID: 14536476