Mateja Janeš (Author), Minja Zorc (Author), Maja Ferenčaković (Author), Ino Čurik (Author), Peter Dovč (Author), Vlatka Čubrić Čurik (Author)


Balkan Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGD) were bred to help protect sheep flocks in sparsely populated, remote mountainous areas in the Balkans. The aim of this study was genomic characterization (107,403 autosomal SNPs) of the three LGD breeds from the Balkans (Karst Shepherd, Sharplanina Dog, and Tornjak). Our analyses were performed on 44 dogs representing three Balkan LGD breeds, as well as on 79 publicly available genotypes representing eight other LGD breeds, 70 individuals representing seven popular breeds, and 18 gray wolves. The results of multivariate, phylogenetic, clustering (STRUCTURE), and FST differentiation analyses showed that the three Balkan LGD breeds are genetically distinct populations. While the Sharplanina Dog and Tornjak are closely related to other LGD breeds, the Karst Shepherd is a slightly genetically distinct population with estimated influence from German Shepard (Treemix analysis). Estimated genomic diversity was high with low inbreeding in Sharplanina Dog (Ho = 0.315, He = 0.315, and FROH>2Mb = 0.020) and Tornjak (Ho = 0.301, He = 0.301, and FROH>2Mb = 0.033) breeds. Low diversity and high inbreeding were estimated in Karst Shepherds (Ho = 0.241, He = 0.222, and FROH>2Mb = 0.087), indicating the need for proper diversity management. The obtained results will help in the conservation management of Balkan LGD dogs as an essential part of the specific grazing biocultural system and its sustainable maintenance.


pastirski psi;balkanske pasme;genetika;genomika;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
UDC: 636.7:574
COBISS: 52551427 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2071-1050
Views: 149
Downloads: 54
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary keywords: pastirski psi;balkanske pasme;genetika;genomika;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 1-17
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ13
Issue: ǂno. ǂ4, art. 2289
Chronology: 2021
DOI: 10.3390/su13042289
ID: 14562735
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