magistrsko delo
Ana Jurgec (Author), Zorka Novak-Pintarič (Mentor), Miloš Bogataj (Co-mentor), Vlasta Marčinko (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo prikazuje analizo procesa mešanja v podjetju, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo pralnih sredstev in drugih kemičnih proizvodov za čiščenje. Tehnološki proces je sestavljen iz več korakov, vse od skladiščenja in kontrole prispelih surovin do pakiranja in kontrole končnih izdelkov ter njihove odpreme. Osrednji proces poteka v mešalnih posodah, kjer se preko kače v plašču vsebina v mešalcu greje oz. hladi. Pri mešanju lahko pride bodisi do sproščanja toplote in je potrebno hlajenje ali pa je za pripravo surovin potrebno dodatno gretje. V proizvodnem procesu podjetja skupno poteka proizvodnja po približno 220 recepturah, ki se izvajajo po določenem urniku. Glavni cilj magistrske naloge je bil za določeno obdobje oceniti, koliko energije je potrebno za gretje oz. hlajenje pri procesu mešanja. Iz ocene porabe energije za določeno obdobje se je izkazalo, da so potrebe po hlajenju veliko večje kot po gretju. Glede na specifiko obravnavanega šaržnega procesa se je vpeljava toplotne integracije procesa izkazala za manj možno. V nadaljevanju smo se zato osredotočili na iskanje možnosti za izkoriščanje odpadne toplote, ki jo odvede hladivo ter raziskali priložnosti za izboljšanje učinkovitosti hlajenja in posledično tudi zmanjšanja stroškov. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov, ocen energetskih bilanc ter z uporabo literature smo predlagali nekaj potencialnih rešitev in smernic za izboljšave procesa oz. nadaljnje korake optimizacije proizvodnje. Možnosti uvedbe novosti smo tudi preučili in ovrednotili njihovo uporabnost za proces. Pridobljeni podatki so za podjetje zelo koristni, saj so med analizo pridobili natančnejše podatke, ki dodatno koristijo pri poznavanju in razumevanju procesa.


šaržni procesi;toplotna integracija;izkoriščanje odpadne toplote;hlajenje;gretje;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Jurgec]
UDC: 620.97:66.012(043.2)
COBISS: 113285635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 108
Downloads: 12
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Possibilities for heat integration and utilization of waste heat in blending processes
Secondary abstract: The work is focused on the analysis of the mixing processes in a company engaged in the production of detergents and other chemical cleaning products. The company's production process involves a total of about 220 recipes for different products. The technological process consists of several steps, from storage and control of incoming raw materials to packaging and control of finished products and their shipment. The main process takes place in the mixing tanks, where the contents in the mixing tanks are heated or cooled by a coil in a jacket. During mixing, either heat may be released and cooling may be required, or additional heating may be required to prepare the raw materials. The main objective of the master's thesis was to estimate how much energy is needed for heating or cooling during the mixing process for a certain period of time. The estimation of energy consumption over a period of time showed that the demand for cooling was much higher than that for heating. Given the specifics of the observed batch process, possibility of implementing heat integration to the process was found to be less likely. In the following, we therefore focused on the use of the waste heat from the coolant and investigated ways to improve cooling efficiency and thus reduce costs. Based on the data obtained, the estimates of energy balances and the use of literature, we have proposed some possible solutions for process improvements and further steps of process optimization. We have also explored the possibilities of introducing innovations evaluated their applicability to the observed process. The data obtained is very useful for the company, as they have obtained more accurate data during the analysis, which additionally contributes to the understanding of the process.
Secondary keywords: batch processes;heat integration;waste heat recovery;heating;cooling;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 50 f.))
ID: 14591271