Manca Pišek (Author), Pia Pšenič Pikelj (Author), Nejc Mekiš (Author), Erna Huskić (Author)


Purpose: To determine whether breast thickness decreases with menopause after the reduction of glandular tissue. We also wanted to know how the decrease in breast thickness affects the compression force and the average glandular dose. Methods: In this project, we collected data regarding the compression force, breast thickness and mean glandular dose of 300 patients who had mammographic imaging in two views: CC (craniocaudal) and MLO (mediolateral oblique) view. The data were divided into three age groups: 100 patients aged 50 to 55, 100 patients aged 60 to 65 and 100 patients aged 70 to 75 years. We used basic statistical tests for measurement purposes, while we used the Shapiro–Wilk test to check normality and the Kruskal–Wallis test to compare the differences. Results and discussion: We presented the results and comparisons in the tables and box plot graphs for CC and MLO views of the left and right breast for compression force, breast thickness and MGD. In the CC view of the both breasts, we found that there were statistically signifi cant differences in thickness between groups 1 and 3, and differences in MGD between groups 1 and 2, and 1 and 3. In the MLO view of both breasts we found that compression force does not increase with the age of patients, which can be attributed to the different size and density of breasts, and different compression force. Higher compression force results in lower MGD and breast thickness. Conclusion: In the CC view of left and right breast, there is no statistically significant differences in compression force, but thickness and MGD changed between some groups. In the MLO view, only MGD changed. For further research, we recommend taking measurements on a larger sample, and concurrently considering and examining other factors that may affect breast thickness, compression force and MGD.


mammographic imaging;compression force;mean glandular dose;breast thickness;glandular tissue;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
UDC: 616-073:618.19
COBISS: 35098883 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2712-2492
Views: 100
Downloads: 29
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Kako vpliva zmanjšanje žleznega tkiva na silo in debelino dojke pri mamografskem slikanju?
Secondary abstract: Namen: Ugotoviti, ali se debelina dojke z leti po menopavzi zmanjšuje glede na zmanjšanje žleznega tkiva pri mamografskem slikanju. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako zmanjšanje debeline dojke vpliva na kompresijsko silo in povprečno žlezno dozo. Metode: V nalogi so bili zajeti podatki o kompresijski sili, debelini dojke in povprečni žlezni dozi 300 pacientk, ki so imele opravljeno mamografsko slikanje v dveh projekcijah, tj. CC (kraniokavdalna) in MLO (mediolateralna poševna) projekcija. Podatke smo razdelili v tri starostne skupine po 100 pacientk: od 50 do 55 (skupina 1), 60 do 65 (skupina 2) in 70 do 75 let (skupina 3). Za izračun smo uporabili osnovne statistične teste; za preverjanje normalnosti vzorca Shapiro-Wilk test, za primerjavo razlik pa Kruskal-Wallis test. Rezultati in razprava: Pri CC projekciji obeh dojk smo ugotovili, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v debelini med 1. in 3. skupino, ter razlike v MGD med skupinama 1 in 2 ter 1 in 3. Pri MLO projekciji obeh dojk so bile razlike statistično značilne pri MGD, in sicer med 1. in 2. ter 1. in 3. skupino. Pri CC in MLO projekciji leve in desne dojke smo ugotovili, da se kompresijska sila ne viša z višjo starostjo pacientk, kar se da pripisati različnim strukturam dojk in različni sili kompresije. Posledično bi se vidneje znižala tudi povprečna žlezna doza in debelina. Zaključek: Pri primerjavi kompresijske sile pri CC projekciji leve in desne dojke ni statistično značilnih razlik med skupinami, debelina in MGD pa se med nekaterimi starostnimi skupinami razlikujeta. Pri MLO projekciji se spreminja le MGD. Za nadaljnje raziskave v prihodnosti priporočamo zajem meritev na večjem vzorcu ter sočasno upoštevanje in preučitev še ostalih faktorjev, ki lahko vplivajo na debelino dojke, silo kompresije in MGD.
Secondary keywords: mamografija;kompresijska sila;povprečna žlezna doza;debelina dojke;žlezno tkivo;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 5-10
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ37
Issue: ǂno. ǂ1
Chronology: 2020
DOI: 10.47724/MIRTJ.2020.i01.a001
ID: 14603069