(specialistično delo)
Nataša Brumec (Author), Danica Železnik (Mentor)


Izhodišče: Neželen dogodek je dogodek, ki negativno vpliva oziroma ima škodljiv učinek na pacienta. Pri preprečevanju neželenih dogodkov ima operacijska medicinska sestra pomembno vlogo, zato je namen specialistične naloge predstaviti vpliv zdravstvene nege na pacientovo varnost v operacijski sobi in izpostaviti tiste dejavnike, ki lahko privedejo do neželenih dogodkov v operacijski sobi. Metode: Raziskava je potekala v dveh fazah. V prvi fazi so se podatki pridobivali s kvantitativnim pristopom. Sodelovalo je 34 operacijskih medicinskih sester. Podatki so obdelani s programskim paketom SPSS. V drugi fazi so se podatki pridobivali s kvalitativnim pristopom, izvedli smo intervju pri petih operacijskih medicinskih sestrah. Vsebina je kategorizirana na podlagi analize vsebine. Raziskava je potekala leta 2009 v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Maribor. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da se operacijske medicinske sestre čutijo odgovorne za pacientovo varnost in da poznajo dejavnike, ki lahko privedejo do neželenega dogodka. Najbolj izpostavljajo preobremenjenost. Ocenjujejo, da ima operacijska zdravstvena nega velik vpliv na zagotavljanje pacientove varnosti. Zaključek: Raziskava je pokazala, da operacijske medicinske sestre vse naloge sprejemajo kot enako pomembne in da sta glavna cilja operacijske zdravstvene nege kakovostno opravljeno delo in zagotavljanje pacientove varnosti. Izsledki kažejo, da slednje dosegajo z individualnim delom in da timsko delo v perioperativni obravnavi še ni utečeno.


neželeni dogodek;pacienti;varnost;operacijske medicinske sestre;operacijska zdravstvena nega;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [N. Brumec]
UDC: 616-089-056.24
COBISS: 1661348 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4482
Downloads: 791
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Patient safety in the operating room
Secondary abstract: Introduction: An error is a phenomenon which has negative influence on a patient and may have negative consequences. At preventing errors the operating room nurse plays a great role, and the purpose of the work is to present the importance of nursing on patient's safety in the operating room and to expose the factors which can lead to errors in the operating room. Methods: The research was conducted in two phases. During the first phase the information was collected with the quantitative approach. 34 respondents cooperated in the survey. The data was interpreted by the computer program used for statistical analysis SPSS. During the second phase the information was collected with the qualitative approach. 5 operating room nurses cooperated. The content was cathegorized on the basis of the content analysis. The research was conducted in 2009 in Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor. Results: The results show that the operating room nurses feel responsible for their patients' safety and are ware of the factors which can lead to errors. The most common is overburden. The nurses estimate that the perioperative nursing is extremely important for patient safety. Conclusion: The research shows that the operating room nurses find all their tasks equally important and that the two main goals of perioperative nursing are the quality of work and assuring patient safety. The results show both are achieved by nurses' individual work because teamwork still does not run well.
Secondary keywords: an error;a patient;safety;an operating room nurse;perioperative nursing;
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 69 f., 5 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;treatment;zdravljenje;
ID: 14619
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