diplomsko delo
Tadeja Lenarčič (Author), Tatjana Pirman (Reviewer), Dušanka Jordan (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je bil narisati idejni načrt manjšega konjeniškega centra ob upoštevanju priporočil iz literature, naših želja in možnosti. Izbirali smo med individualno in skupinsko uhlevitvijo konj, slamo in žagovino v vlogi nastila, zanimala nas je tudi primerjava med leseno in električno ograjo za ograditev pašnikov ter peščenih izpustov. Konjeniški center bi stal na obrobju Ljubljane, na družinski posesti s površino 90 arov, prostora bi bilo za 10 konj. V idejni načrt smo vključili hlev dimenzije 29 × 25 m z 10 individualnimi boksi, ki bi bili dovolj veliki za športne konje z višino vihra do 173 cm, sedlarno in garderobo s sanitarijami za jahače. Vsak konj bi imel iz boksa prost izhod na individualen izpust s peščeno podlago. Zraven hleva smo predvideli prostore za polletno skladiščenje sena v valjastih balah, štirimesečno skladiščenje žagovine v razsutem stanju in gnojišče. Pašnik bi bil razdeljen na tri čredinke, da s sistemom rotacije ohranjamo kakovost pašne površine, na vsaki čredinki bi stal manjši nadstrešek. Na začetku posesti bi bilo jahališče s podlago iz mivke standardne velikosti 20 × 40 m. Objekte smo razporedili tako, da bi bilo upravljanje konjeniškega centra čim lažje ter da bi bile delovne poti kratke in enostavne.


konji;konjeniški centri;idejni načrti;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Lenarčič]
UDC: 636.1(043.2)
COBISS: 99481347 Link will open in a new window
Views: 172
Downloads: 16
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂAn ǂoutline plan of a smaller equestrian center
Secondary abstract: The goal of the B. Sc. Thesis was to design an outline plan for a small equestrian centre, taking into account recommendations from the literature, our wishes and possibilities. We were choosing between individual and group housing, straw and sawdust as bedding material. We were also interested in a comparison between a wooden fence and an electric fence for fencing pastures and sand paddocks. The equestrian centre would be located on the outskirts of Ljubljana on a 9000 square metre family plot and would have space for 10 horses. The outline plan includes a 29 × 25 m stable with 10 individual stalls large enough for sport horses with a withers height of 173 cm, as well as a tack room and a changing room with toilets for the riders. Each horse would have free access to an individual paddock with a sand footing. Next to the barn we envisioned storage facilities for six months of hay in round bales, four months of sawdust and six months of manure. The pasture would be divided into three paddocks to maintain the quality of the grazing area with a rotational system, and each paddock would have a smaller shelter. At the beginning of the property would be a riding arena with a standard size of 20 × 40 m and a sandy surface. We have arranged the facilities to make the management of the equestrian centre as simple as possible, with short and easy working routes.
Secondary keywords: horses;equestrian centres;outline plans;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VIII, 20 str., 2] str. pril.
ID: 14633332