(diplomsko delo)
Mario Kos (Author), Anton Koželj (Mentor)


Ljudje se ne rodimo že vsevedi in vešči. Svoje znanje gradimo in dopolnjujemo skozi vso svoje življenje. Zakaj ne bi gradili tudi v tej smeri, da lahko sočloveku pomagamo in v nekaterih primerih celo rešimo življenje. Dodatno znanje o prvi pomoči, nam omogoča da lahko pomagamo ponesrečencu prvi. Najpomembnejše so prve minute in ravno v tem času lahko marsikaj spremenimo, če smo za to dovolj usposobljeni in samozavestni. Diplomsko delo govori o seznanjenosti laikov z ukrepi nujne medicinske pomoči. Osredotočili smo se na najpogostejša akutna stanja, ki se lahko zgodijo kjerkoli, tudi v lastnem domu, našim najbližjim. Ocenili smo, da laiki niso dovolj seznanjeni z ukrepi nujne medicinske pomoči, predvsem pa v veliki večini ne obvladajo veščin nudenju prve pomoči. Raziskavo smo opravili s pomočjo 100 anket, ki smo jih dodelili naključno izbranim laikom. Za potrebe raziskave smo razvili vprašalnik, s pomočjo katerega smo ugotovili, da so laiki premalo seznanjeni z akutnimi stanji in z ukrepi pri njih. Raziskava je pokazala, da bi le malo laikov pristopilo na pomoč v primeru prometne nesreče, ker niso dovolj samozavestni in jih je strah, da lahko naredijo še dodatno škodo ponesrečencu. Pri večini ljudi smo spoznali, da bi potrebovali v prihodnje še kakšen dodaten tečaj, za obnovitev oziroma dopolnitev svojega znanja o prvi pomoči. S tem diplomskim delom bi želeli opozoriti, da še vedno veliko ljudi ne razume pravega pomena besede pomagam prvi, ob enem pa se ne zavedajo, da lahko samo s pravilnim pristopom in hitrim ukrepanjem rešijo marsikatero življenje. Menimo, da bi laiki potrebovali boljše seznanjanje in obnavljanje znanja prve pomoči, posledično pa bi to pomenilo boljšo samozavest in večjo osveščenost, da vsaka minuta šteje in odloča.


prva pomoč;laiki;nujna stanja;seznanjenost z ukrepi prve pomoči;poškodovanci;samozavest;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Kos]
UDC: 616-083.98
COBISS: 1669540 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3112
Downloads: 602
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Emergency nedical aid measures awareness raising among layman
Secondary abstract: We are not omniscient and already masterful at the time we born. We build our knowledge and updated it throughout our lives. Why not build it in this direction that can help mankind and in some cases even save lives. Advanced knowledge of first aid that allows us to help injured people first. The most importantly is the first minute, and just at that time we can change things if we are sufficiently trained for this and enough confident. Diploma thesis is about the awareness of lay people with emergency medical measures. We focused on the most acute conditions that can occur anywhere, even in our own homes, to our family members. We estimated that the laity are not sufficiently familiar with the actions of emergency medical assistance and the provision of first aid checks. The survey was conducted with the aid of 100 surveys, which were allocated randomly selected laymen. For the purposes of research, we developed a questionnaire through which we have found that the laity are not enough familiar with acute conditions and measures for them. The questionnaire showed that only a few lay people approached for help in case of accidents, because they are not confident enough and are afraid that they can do further damage to injured people. For most people, we realized that we would need in the future any additional rate for the renewal or update their knowledge on first aid. This thesis would like to note that there are still too many people which do not understand the true nature of helping the first and only with this action in the future, many things would change. We believe that if lay people would better understand the actions of emergency medical assistance in the future only their knowledge could save many lives.
Secondary keywords: first aid;a layperson;a necessary condition;familiarity with first aid measures;the injured person;self-confidence.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: XV, 106 f., 6 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;treatment;zdravljenje;
ID: 14656