koncept usklajevanja dela in družinskih obveznosti v družinski politiki
Alenka Švab (Author)


Članek se ukvarja z analizo razmerja med delom in družino oz. natančneje, z enim od aspektov tega razmerja - s konceptom usklajevanja dela in družine (pravzaprav obveznost v eni in drugi sferi). Avtorica v analizi zavzema perspektivo etike skrbi, ki služi kot leča za analiziranje družinske politike, hkrati pa omogoča analizo konceptualizacije skrbi v konkretnih politikah. Članek je organiziran okoli dveh glavnih (med seboj povezanih) tez. Prva se nanaša na kritiko omenjenega koncepta usklajevanja dela in družine: v tem razmerju ne gre za usklajevanje, ampak podrejanje družinske/zasebne sfere sferi dela. To je opazno na primer v favoriziranju modela (materialno) neodvisnega zaposlenega posameznika, ki podpira tudi normativni okvir družinske politike. Druga teza pravi, da je ravno skrb skupni imenovalec obeh dimenzij razmerja delo - družina in od konceptualizacije skrbi v konkretni družinski politiki je odvisno, kako uspešno se bo realiziral koncept usklajevanja dela in družine. Obe tezi sta v članku utemeljeni skozi analizo temeljnega dokumenta družinske politike v Sloveniji - Resolucije o temeljih oblikovanja družinske politike.


Nega na domu;Socialno skrbstvo;Socialno delo;Etika;Družina;Družinska politika;Spolna neenakost;Enakost možnosti;Delitev dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 316
COBISS: 315501 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1157
Downloads: 107
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The article deals with the analysis of relationship between employment and family or, more precisely, with one of the aspects of this relationship - the concept of reconciliation of work and family (and responsibilities in both spheres). The analysis is done from the ethics of care perspective, which serves as the lens for analysing family policy and at the same time enables analysis of conceptualisation of care in concrete policies. The article is organised around two main (interconnected) ideas. Firstly, the author criticizes the concept of reconciliation of work and family, claiming that in reality the family dimension is subjected to the work sphere. This is clearly seen in the favourisation of the model of independent employed individual, which defines the normative framework of family policy. The second idea is that care is common denominator of both dimensions - work and family, and that realisation of the concept of reconciliation of work and family depends on the conceptualisation of care in a concrete policy. Both ideas are exemplified through the analysis of the basic family policy document in Slovenia - the Resolution on the Principles of Formation of Family Policy.
Secondary keywords: Home nursing;Community care;Social work;Ethics;Family;Family policy;Gender inequality;Equal opportunity;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 1112-1126
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ40
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ6
Chronology: nov./dec. 2003
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;
ID: 1466708
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