Roman Bric (Author)


Radikalne politične in geostrateške spremembe, ki so preoblikovale globalno varnostno okolje po koncu hladne vojne ter po 11. septembru 2001 in so pomembno vplivale na spremembe v obrambno-vojaških sistemih ter oboroženih silah, se odražajo tudi v njihovem odnosu do javnosti. Za vojsko je potrjevanje njene legitimnosti v javnosti, od katere je odvisen njen družbeni položaj in moč, ključnega pomena. V članku proučujemo specifične vidike komuniciranja med oboroženimi silami in javnostmi v razvitih vojaških sistemih, hkrati pa nas zanima, kako se tem zahtevam prilagajata slovenski obrambni sistem in oborožene sile, kjer se funkcija odnosov z javnostmi še dograjuje. Čeprav slovenska javnost na splošno izraža visoko stopnjo zaupanja v institucijo Slovenske vojske, pa drugi kazalniki, kot na primer nezadostno zanimanje za vojaški poklic in nizka podpora sodelovanju v mednarodnih operacijah, te naklonjenosti ne potrjujejo.


Oborožene sile;Javnost;Komuniciranje;Odnosi z javnostmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani
UDC: 355/359:659.4
COBISS: 28030301 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 712
Downloads: 146
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Specific aspects of the communication between the armed forces and public
Secondary abstract: Radical political and geostrategic changes that have transformed global security environment after the end of the Cold War, and after 11 September 2001 and had a significant impact on changes in the defense-military systems and the armed forces, are also reflected in their relation to the public. For the army, the validation of its legitimacy in the public, which depends on her social status and power is crucial. The article studied specific aspects of communication between the armed forces and the public in developed military systems, but we are interested in how it adapted to the requirements of Slovenian defense system and the armed forces, where the function of public relations has enlarged. Although the Slovenian public at large expresses a high degree of confidence in the institution of the Slovenian Armed Forces, and other indicators, such as lack of interest in the military profession and the low support the participation in international operations, this sympathy not confirmed.
Secondary keywords: Armed forces;Public;Communication;Public relations;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 706-727
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ45
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ6
Chronology: nov.-dec. 2008
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;military affairs generally;military affairs;art of war;military science;defence;armed forces;vojaške zadeve;umetnost vojskovanja;vojaška znanost;obramba;oborožene sile;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;publicity;information work;public relations;stiki z javnostjo;reklama;public relations (pr);odnosi z javnostmi;
ID: 1469682