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Miranda Grum (Author), Lan Umek (Mentor)


Povratne informacije zaposlenih o njihovem zadovoljstvu so bistven prispevek k uspešnemu poslovanju vsake organizacije. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih je točka na krivulji, ki lahko strmo pade in s tem povzroči veliko škode, če ji organizacija ne posveti svoje pozornosti. Prav zato je potrebno nenehno usmerjanje v raziskovanje na področju zadovoljstva zaposlenih in ob spoznanju kritičnih dejstev je nujno učinkovito in hitro ukrepanje za odpravo negativnega stanja. Eden izmed učinkovitih načinov pridobivanja povratnih informacij zaposlenih je izvedba anketne raziskave. Teoretični del bo tako zajemal stališča in spoznanja domačih in tujih študij ter drugih virov na področju zadovoljstva zaposlenih. Predstavljeni bodo osnovni pojmi in dejavniki, ki so povezani z zadovoljstvom ter motivacijo zaposlenih. Uporabljena bo kvantitativna metoda merjenja in v povezavi s tem izvedena anketa, ki prikazuje dejansko sliko povratnih ocen anketirancev o zadovoljstvu s posameznimi elementi in njihovo pomembnostjo. Ugotovitve kažejo, kako zelo pomembni za zaposlene so določeni dejavniki zadovoljstva, ki pa po drugi strani kažejo nekoliko slabšo sliko, kot je dejansko stanje. Rezultati analize so zelo koristni za vodstvo izbrane organizacije, saj kažejo, pri katerih dejavnikih zadovoljstva bi bilo treba za izboljšanje stanja v praksi narediti še korak naprej.


zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;dejavniki zadovoljstva;zaposleni;vodje;motiviranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [M. Grum]
UDC: 005.32:331.101.32
COBISS: 100501763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 343
Downloads: 145
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employee satisfaction analysis in selected organization
Secondary abstract: Employee feedback on their workplace satisfaction is a valuable contribution to the company’s business performance. Employee satisfaction can be seen as a point on a curve that can fall drastically to the level of dissatisfaction if the organisation does not attend to it; thus it can cause a great deal of damage. To maintain employee satisfaction, constant analyses need to be carried out. If employee dissatisfaction is identified, measures have to be taken promptly to mend the unfavourable situation. One of the efficient ways of acquiring employee feedback is a survey. The theoretical part of my bachelor’s thesis includes a literature overview consisting of standpoints and findings of domestic and foreign studies, as well as other sources dealing with employee satisfaction. Basic concepts and factors connected to employee satisfaction and motivation are presented. For the empirical part of my bachelor’s thesis, a qualitative methodology of research was used. I carried out a survey in order to find out the reality of employee feedback. The respondents answered questions about their satisfaction with different aspects of work; additionally, they were also asked to rate the importance of those aspects. The results indicate the great importance certain aspects have on employee satisfaction. My findings also paint a somewhat poor picture of employee satisfaction among the respondents. The results of my analysis are highly useful for the management of the organisation in which the survey was conducted. They show which aspects of work the employees are dissatisfied with and can be improved.
Secondary keywords: employee satisfaction;factors of employee satisfaction;employees;managers;motivation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000530
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: IX, 47 str.
ID: 14704364