ǂthe ǂcoping strategies of the older people and the role of intergenerational solidarity
Matic Kavčič (Author)


With the increasingly aging population special attention needs to be paid to the everyday life of the older people. Specifically to the different ways in which they manage to cope with the various difficulties and problems that accompany aging. Age and the new lifestyle that accompanies retirement involve specific risks and a decline in formal cash income. The aim of this article is to inductively identify the fundamental risks faced by the older people, based on the qualitative field research data define the most common and effective coping strategies for managing these risks and present the role of intergenerational solidarity herein. The qualitative analysis that uses the grounded theory approach is based on 35 in-depth interviews. The findings show how older people employ different passive and active coping strategies in order to overcome the various problems they encounter while retaining their independence. We also present the important role of the various intervening conditions such as their health status, living location, social support network and intergenerational solidarity.


Starostniki;Medgeneracijski odnosi;Socialna opora;Kakovost življenja;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 316.4.051.6:316.728-053.88
COBISS: 30045533 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1045
Downloads: 150
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Spoprijemanje s težavami v starosti: strategije shajanja starejših ljudi in vloga medgeneracijske solidarnosti
Secondary abstract: Zaradi pospešenega staranja populacije je potrebno posvetiti posebno pozornost vsakdanjemu življenju starejših, še posebej njihovim različnim načinom na katere se spoprijemajo z mnogimi težavami in problemi, ki spremljajo staranje. Starost in upokojitev spremljajo značilna tveganja in upad formalnih denarnih prihodkov. V članku želimo na podlagi kvalitativnega raziskovalnega načrta z induktivnim pristopom identificirati temeljna tveganja starejših ter najbolj pogoste in učinkovite strategije za upravljanje s temi tveganji ter predstaviti vlogo medgeneracijske solidarnosti znotraj tega. Kvalitativna analiza temelji na 35 poglobljenih intervjujih z najbolj ranljivimi starejšimi posamezniki. Ugotovitve kažejo, da starejši za premagovanje različnih problemov s katerimi so soočeni uporabljajo različne aktivne in pasivne strategije za ohranjanje svoje neodvisnosti. Prav tako predstavljamo pomembno vlogo različnih intervenirajočih dejavnikov, kot so; zdravstveno stanje, kraj bivanja, omrežje socialne opore in medgeneracijska solidarnost.
Secondary keywords: Older people;Intergenerational relations;Social support;Quality of life;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 1210-1237
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ47
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ6
Chronology: nov.-dec. 2010
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;social processes;social dynamics;družbeni procesi;družbena dinamika;social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;sociology of culture;cultural context of social life;sociologija kulture;
ID: 1470595
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