Rastko Močnik (Author)


Besedilo dokazuje, da izraz "trg delovne sile" ni teoretski koncept, temveč ideološki pojem, in predlaga koncept "družbene sestave delovne sile". Ta ne zajema samo domnevnega mehanizma ponudbe in povpraševanja, temveč zapopade kapitalsko produkcijsko razmerje, kakor se kompleksno strukturira v konkretnih družbenih formacijah, v katerih prevladuje kapitalistični produkcijski način. Koncept teoretsko zajame sestavine, ki se ideološkemu pogledu kažejo kot raznorodna množica številnih institucionalnih in praktičnih sestavin (pravne regulacije, tehnološke določilnice, organizacija dela in upravne prakse, prakse kolektivnega sodelovanja na delovnem mestu, izobrazbena struktura, šolski sistem in drugi ideološki aparati itn.). Koncept pokaže na logiko, ki vzpostavlja tako morebitne "trge" kakor zlasti produkcijske prakse v njihovem kompleksnem delovanju, ki šele omogoča celotni proces družbene produkcije in reprodukcije pod vladavino kapitala.


kapitalizem;trg delovne sile;ideologija;Kapitalizem;Trg dela;Delavski razred;Razredni boj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 331.5:316.343-058.14
COBISS: 30185053 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 917
Downloads: 229
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This text argues that the expression "the labour power market" is not a theoretical concept but an ideological notion and proposes to replace it with the concept of "the social composition of labour power". This concept is not limited to the presumed mechanism of supply and demand, but grasps the capital relation of production as it is complexly structured within concrete social formations dominated by the capitalist mode of production. The concept theoretically determines the articulation of components that, at an ideological glance, appear as a heterogeneous aggregate of numerous institutional and practical dimensions (legal regulations, technological determinations, organisation of labour processes and practices of governance, practices of collective co-operation at the work place, educational structure and system and other ideological apparatuses etc.). It shows the logic that, by complex and contradictory structuring, constitutes eventual "markets" and, most importantly, production practices in their complex efficiency that propels the entire process of social production and reproduction under the domination of capital.
Secondary keywords: Capitalism;Labor market;Working class;Class struggle;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 178-205, 304
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ48
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: jan.-feb. 2011
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;labour;employment;work;labour economics;organization of labour;delo;zaposlovanje;sindikati;labour market;employment;trg delovne sile;trg dela;zaposlovanje;zaposlenost;social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;social structure;society as a social system;družbena struktura;družba kot družbeni sistem;globalne družbe;social stratification;social differentiation;družbena slojevitost;družbena diferenciacija;
ID: 1470650