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Tim Gnidovec (Author), Nina Gunde-Cimerman (Reviewer), Polona Zalar (Mentor), Polona Zalar (Thesis defence commission member), Nina Gunde-Cimerman (Thesis defence commission member), Uroš Petrovič (Thesis defence commission member)


Vse večje število avtomobilov in drugih motornih vozil povečuje onesnaženost ozračja, talne, gozdne in vodne ekosisteme z ogljikovodiki. Z namenom najti glivne seve, ki bi jih lahko uporabili v bioremediacijskih postopkih, smo preverili njihovo prisotnost v avtomobilih, in sicer v delih, ki pridejo v stik z bencinom, oljem ali nafto. Vzorčili smo čistilce olja, goriva, ter odprtino za dovod goriva. Poleg tega smo v avtomehanični delavnici vzorčili odtočni jašek interne kanalizacije in talne oljne madeže. Iz vzorcev sem s pomočjo različnih izolacijskih tehnik osamil 45 izolatov gliv. Identificirali smo jih s pomočjo nukleotidih zaporedij izbranih molekularnih označevalcev za posamezen rod. Seve smo uvrstili v 13 rodov, 11 sevov v deblo Ascomycota (Acremonium, Alternaria, Aureobasidium, Candida, Cladosporium, Coniochaeta, Exophiala, Geotrichum, Meyerozyma, Penicilium, Pleurostoma), 2 seva v deblo Basidiomycota (Cystobasidium in Rhodotorula). Več kot polovica izolatov (26) je pripadala rodovom Aureobasidium, Candida, Meyerozyma in Rhodotorula. Vse izolirane glive smo testirali na zmožnost razgradnje toluena, mineralnega olja in n-heksadekana. Vsi izolati so rastli na toluenu, medtem ko je bila rast na n-heksadekanu in mineralnem olju omejena na manj kot 50%, in sicer na rodove Meyerozyma, Acremonium, Penicilium, Cladosporum in Exophiala.


biologija;glive;avtomehanična delavnica;ogljikovodiki;aromatske spojine;toluen;n-heksadekan;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Gnidovec]
UDC: 582.28(043.2)
COBISS: 103833859 Link will open in a new window
Views: 167
Downloads: 33
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Isolation, identification and characterisation of fungi from car service shop
Secondary abstract: The increasing number of motor vehicles is causing a lot of air pollution with hydrocarbons. The pollution spreads as well to the forests, rivers, water and ground ecosystems. We decided to investigate the vehicle's internal combustion engine and its parts, for potential presence of fungi that could be used as bioremediation agents. Oil filters, fuel filters, hole for refuelling, car service workshop's drainage system and oil stains on the floor from car service workshop were analyzed in a laboratory for the presence of fungi. We used different isolation techniques and with the aid of molecular markers we identified 45 fungal species belonging to 13 genera. Acremonium, Alternaria, Aureobasidium, Candida, Cladosporium, Coniochaeta, Exophiala, Geotrichum, Meyerozyma, Penicilium, Pleurostoma, Cystobasidium and Rhodotorula. All of the isolates were tested for growth on selected hydrocarbons as sole carbon sources. All of the isolates grew in toluene atmosphere, while less than 50% (Meyerozyma, Acremonium, Penicilium, Cladosporum and Exophiala) grew on mineral oil and even less on n-hexadecane (Meyerozyma, Acremonium, Penicilium and Coniochaeta).
Secondary keywords: biology;fungi;car service;hydrocarbons;aromatic compounds;toluene;n-hexadecane;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XI, 51 f.
ID: 14712337