(diplomsko delo)
Merima Mujanović (Author), Mateja Lorber (Mentor), Jernej Dolinšek (Co-mentor)


Celiakija je bolezen ozkega črevesa, ki je posledica trajne preobčutljivosti na gluten pri genetsko dovzetnih posameznikih. Je avtoimuno obolenje in je v zadnjem času ena pogostejših bolezni prebavnega trakta tako pri otrocih kot pri odraslih. Povprečni delež obolelih je tudi do 1:100. Intoleranca se lahko pojavi v katerem koli življenjskem obdobju. Trenutno je edini način zdravljenja vseživljenjsko dosledno izvajanje diete brez glutena. To pomeni popolno izključitev pšenice, ječmena in rži iz prehrane. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena obravnava pacienta s celiakijo v času hospitalizacije ter aktivnosti zdravstvene nege. V uvodnem delu je opisana bolezen, vzroki za nastanek, zapleti, oblike celiakije ter zdravljenje. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili vlogo medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta s poudarkom na zdravstveno vzgojnem delu. Izvedli smo študijo primera pacienta, ki je bil obravnavan po modelu Maryory Gordon, ki temelji na enajstih funkcionalnih vzorcih zdravega obnašanja. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo izpostavili naslednje negovalne probleme, kot so nevarnost infekcije, tekočina - prenizek volumen, neuravnovešena prehrana - manj kot telo potrebuje, diareja, samonega - zmanjšana možnost za samostojno osebno higieno, mobilnost - nepopolna telesna mobilnost, motnje spanja, bolečina, strah.


celiakija;zdravstvena nega;pacienti;medicinske sestre;zdravstveno vzgojno delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Mujanović]
UDC: 616.34-083
COBISS: 1679524 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3544
Downloads: 603
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Patient with coeliac disease case study
Secondary abstract: Celiac disease is a disorder of the small intestine as a result to gluten intolerance in genetically predisposed people. It is an autoimmune disorder and lately one of the most frequent diseases of the digestive tract, afflicting both children and grown ups. The average quota of diseased is up to 1:100. The abovementioned intolerance can appear at any age. Momentarily, the only treatment is a consistent lifelong gluten-free diet. This means, that wheat, barley and rye are completely removed from the patient’s diet. This diploma thesis discusses a celiac disease patient during his hospitalisation and health care methods. The introduction depicts the disease, the causes for its development, complications, forms of celiac disease and treatment. In addition, the role of the nurse in patient care is introduced, with emphasis on health education work. A patient study was conducted in accordance to Marjory Gordons eleven functional health patterns are introduced and described. Concluding from the collected data the following nursing problems were stressed: danger of infection, fluid – too low volume, unbalanced diet – less than the body needs, diarrhoea, self care – less possibility for independent personal hygiene, mobility-incomplete body mobility, sleeping disorders, pain, fear.
Secondary keywords: Celiac disease;health care;patient;nurse;health education work.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;pathology of the digestive system;complaints of the alimentary canal;bolezni prebavil;gastroenterologija;
ID: 14849