Petr Drulák (Author)


The article discusses how Social Theory of International Politics (STIP) by Alexander Wendt deals with the problem of structural change. It is argued that Wendt provides better theoretical framework for addressing structural change than his neo-realist foils. But at the same time his theory suffers from some remnants of neo-realist historicism. The article shows two ways in which a more dynamic framework can be developed while keeping most of the same premises of the STIP The former introduces explicit hermeneutical elements into the meta-theory of the STIP, while the latter abandons its state-centrism, taking into account a broader variety of actors.


international relations;international politics;theory of international relations;hermeneutics;constructivism;positivism;political communities;structural change;Alexander Wendt;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 327:165
COBISS: 117049344 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1408-6980
Views: 140
Downloads: 10
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Problem strukturnih sprememb v družbeni teoriji mednarodne politike Alexandra Wendta
Secondary abstract: Članek proučuje, kako knjiga Alexandra Wendta Social Theory of International Politics (STIP) obravnava problem strukturnih sprememb. Po avtorjevem mnenju Wendt zagotavlja boljši teoretični okvir obravnave strukturnih sprememb kot njegovi neorealistični zgledi. Obenem pa njegova teorija boleha za nekaterimi ostanki neorealistične nezgodovinskosti. Članek kaže dve smeri, kjer je mogoče razviti bolj dinamičen teretični okvir in obenem ostati znotraj večine izvornih premis STIP. Prva vpeljuje izrecne hermenevtične prvine v metateorijo STlP, druga pa odpravlja njegov državocentrizem z upoštevanjem večje raznolikosti akterjev.
Secondary keywords: mednarodni odnosi;svetovna politika;teorija mednarodnih odnosov;hermenevtika;konstruktivizem;pozitivizem;politične skupnosti;strukturne spremembe;Alexander Wendt;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 363-379, 437, 440
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ4
Issue: ǂno. ǂ4
Chronology: Dec. 2001
ID: 14890028
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