societyʹs challenges for organizational opportunities
Daniel Tomić (Editor), Uli Vincenzo (Editor), Anja Žnidaršič (Editor), Polona Šprajc (Editor), Damjan Maletič (Editor), Nataša Pavlović (Editor), Iztok Podbregar (Editor), Andrej Škraba (Editor), Andrej Škraba (Reviewer), Iztok Podbregar (Reviewer), Damjan Maletič (Reviewer), Polona Šprajc (Reviewer), Anja Žnidaršič (Reviewer), Alenka Baggia (Reviewer), Mojca Bernik (Reviewer), Eva Jereb (Reviewer), Robert Leskovar (Reviewer), Matjaž Maletič (Reviewer), Miha Marič (Reviewer), Dušan Mežnar (Reviewer), Vesna Novak (Reviewer), Uroš Rajkovič (Reviewer), Vladislav Rajkovič (Reviewer), Marjan Senegačnik (Reviewer), Benjamin Urh (Reviewer), Marko Urh (Reviewer), Goran Vukovič (Reviewer)


The four decades of the International Scientific Conference on the Development of Organizational Sciences are a period that brought together the academic and professional public, students, esteemed guests. The time and space are fundamental components of human life. The time of the epidemic introduces uncertainty among the people. That is why the individual of today together with the whole society, can set the building blocks for the social interweaving of society, as we are used to. We are an organization of people. Relationships between employees in organizations are the starting point for guidelines for the development of organizational sciences. This year’s conference is entitled “Values, Competencies and Changes in Organizations”. We’ll focus on the individual and the organization, which with common values co-create the integration and progress of the society. An individual who’ll cope with changes in the organizational view and the wider society with the proper competence frame. Precisely because of the many changes that have befallen us as a society, the international conference calls for the exchange of views, opinions and, above all, scientific views on the development of organizations in the future.


teorija organizacij;zborniki;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.31 - Proceedings of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conference Contributions (international and foreign conferences)
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: University of Maribor, University Press
UDC: 005.7:004(082)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 101687299 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-583-2
Views: 21
Downloads: 0
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: 41. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti
Secondary abstract: Štiri desetletja mednarodne znanstvene konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti so obdobje, ki je skozi čas povezalo akademsko in strokovno javnost, študentke in študente, cenjene goste. Čas in prostor sta temeljni komponenti človekovega življenja. Čas epidemije vnaša negotovost med ljudi. Ravno zato je danes toliko bolj v ospredju individuum, ki skupaj s celotno družbo lahko postavlja gradnike za ponoven socialni preplet družbe kot smo ga bili še nedavno vajeni. Organizacija smo ljudje. Razmerja med zaposlenimi v organizacijah so izhodišče za smernice razvoja organizacijskih znanosti. Letošnja konferenca nosi naslov »Vrednote, kompetence in spremembe v organizacijah«. V ospredje postavljamo človeka in organizacijo, ki s skupnimi vrednotami soustvarjata in predpostavljata povezovanje in napredek zaposlenih in organizacij. Človeka, ki s svojimi kompetencami je in bo moral biti kos spremembam. Ravno zaradi številnih sprememb, ki so nas kot družbo doletele, pa mednarodna konferenca kliče po izmenjavi stališč in predvsem znanstvenih pogledov na razvoj organizacij v bodoče. Razvoj organizacij v bodoče bodo ljudje, informacije in procesi. Vse to, kar nas desetletja veže in povezuje ter nas bo povezalo tudi v skupnem boju proti današnji epidemiji. Izziv ni tako velik kot bodo velike naše ideje in naši pogledi za organizacijo ter družbo jutri.
Secondary keywords: organizacija;izzivi;priložnosti;družba;
Type (COBISS): Proceedings
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 1112 str.)
DOI: 10.18690/um.fov.3.2022
ID: 14900687