magistrsko delo


Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način je vključena tema o velikih geografskih odkritjih v gimnazijske učne načrte in učbenike za zgodovino in geografijo ter izdelati učno pripravo medpredmetne povezave geografije in zgodovine na primeru velikih geografskih odkritij. Analiza gimnazijskih učnih načrtov za zgodovino in geografijo je pokazala, da učna načrta vsebujeta številne cilje, ki omogočajo medpredmetno povezavo med omenjenima predmetoma. Med cilji so bili tudi taki, ki se neposredno nanašajo na velika geografska odkritja. Analiza srednješolskih učbenikov za geografijo in zgodovino je pokazala, da tudi učbeniki vsebujejo veliko vsebin, ki omogočajo medpredmetno povezavo med omenjenima predmetoma, vključno z vsebinami, ki se navezujejo na velika geografska odkritja. Na podlagi analiz smo izdelali učno pripravo na primeru velikih geografskih odkritij za drugi letnik gimnazijskega programa, kamor smo vključili številne vsebinske medpredmetne povezave med zgodovino in geografijo. Analiza anketnih odgovorov dijakov in gimnazijskih učiteljev zgodovine in geografije je pokazala, da so medpredmetne povezave med omenjenima predmetoma všeč tako učiteljem in učiteljicam kot dijakom in dijakinjam. Izhajajoč iz omenjenega, bi se lahko slednje še pogosteje uporabljale v gimnazijskem izobraževanju, saj pripomorejo k razvoju kritičnega mišljenja, vseživljenjskega učenja in povezovanju razdrobljenega znanja v celoto.


zgodovina;geografija;učbeniki;učni načrti;gimnazija;odkritja;didaktika zgodovine;didaktika geografije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Ješelnik]
UDC: 37:91+93/94
COBISS: 102645763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 126
Downloads: 38
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Multidisciplinary integration of Geography and History in Grammar schools in the case of great geographical discoveries
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the master’s thesis was to determine to what extent and in what way great geographical discoveries are included in the Grammar school curricula of History and Geography and in textbooks for History and Geography, further to make a syllabus of multidisciplinary integration of History and Geography in the case of great geographical discoveries. The analysis of Grammar school curricula for History and Geography has shown that the curricula contain many objectives that allow for a multidisciplinary integration between these subjects, including objectives that relate directly to great geographical discoveries. The analysis of Grammar school textbooks for Geography and History has shown that textbooks contain just as much content that allows for a multidisciplinary integration between these subjects, including content that relate directly to great geographical discoveries. Based on the mentioned analyzes, we made a syllabus in the case of great geographical discoveries, for the second year of the Grammar school program, where we included many substantive multidisciplinary connections between History and Geography. The analysis of the survey responses of Grammar school teachers of History and Geography, and Grammar school students, showed that multidisciplinary integrations are liked by both teachers and students. Therefore, they could be used even more frequently in Grammar schools, as they help the student to develop critical thinking and lifelong learning and to integrate fragmented knowledge into a whole.
Secondary keywords: History;Geography;multidisciplinary integration;great geographical discoveries;textbooks;syllabi;Grammar school;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1011048
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino in Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 194 str.
ID: 14956868