magistrsko delo
Mišo Šušak (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga obravnava problem samopoškodbeno vedenje pri mladih in je zasnovana tako, da odgovori na vprašanja: kaj je samopoškodovanje in kakšen je obseg tega problema v mladostniški populaciji, kakšni so dejavniki tveganja za samopoškodbe, razlogi in funkcije samopoškodovanja, kaj je poskus samomora ter kakšno je zdravljenje takšnega stanja ali vedenja. Samopoškodovanje samo po sebi prispeva številne osebne in kontekstualne dejavnike ter njihovo interakcijo. Čeprav se posamezni dejavniki razlikujejo glede na način izvedbe raziskavanja, so najpogosteje omenjeni dejavniki tveganja za samopoškodbe: spol, različne značilnosti osebnosti, kot so agresivnost, impulzivnost, negativna samopodoba, travmatične izkušnje in negotova navezanost ter depresivna motnja. Mladi, ki se samopoškodujejo, to storijo, da bi se spopadli z vznemirljivimi občutki, da bi občutili nekaj, ko so otrpli, in / ali da bi izrazili svojo bolečino ali se za kratek čas počutili bolje. Samopoškodovanje, večinoma izvirajo iz vedenjske paradigme, socialnega učenja in kot pomemben kontekstualni dejavnik izpostavljajo tudi imitacijo vrstnikov. Impulzivnost in uporaba snovi, vključno z alkoholom in drogami, sta tudi opozorilna znaka za povečano tveganje za samomor. Ljudje, ki doživijo stresen življenjski dogodek, lahko občutijo močno žalost ali izgubo, tesnobo, jezo ali brezizhodnost in občasno pomislijo, da bi jim bilo bolje, če jih nebi bilo. Ugotovitve raziskave so pokazale, da se samopoškodbeno vedenje med spoloma sicer razlikuje, vendar pa razlike niso statistično značilne. Ko govorimo o samopoškodbenem vedenju, večina najprej pomisli na rezanje po delih telesa, vendar smo z raziskovanjem tega področja ugotovili, da so praskanje do krvi, puljenje las in samomor pogostejše oblike samopoškodovanja pri mladih in so naštete oblike v populaciji statistično bolj značilne. Analiza podatkov naših anketirancev je pokazala, da ni razlik iskanja pomoči glede na spol, vsekakor pa imajo dovolj informacij kam se obrniti za pomoč v stiski.


smernice;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Šušak]
UDC: 616.89-008.441.44-053.6(043.2)
COBISS: 104168195 Link will open in a new window
Views: 278
Downloads: 39
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Risk factors for self injury in adolescents
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the problem of self-harm behaviour in young people and is designed to answer questions: what is self-harm and what is the extent of this problem in the adolescent population, what are the risk factors for self-harm, causes and functions of self-harm, what is suicide attempt and what is the treatment for such a condition or behaviour. Self-harm in itself contributes to a number of personal and contextual factors and their interaction. The most commonly mentioned risk factors for self-harm are: gender, various personality traits such as aggression, impulsivity, negative self-esteem, traumatic experiences, and depressive disorder. Young people who self-harm does this to deal with the thrilling feelings, to feel something when they are numb, and / or to express their pain or feel better for a short time. Self-harm mostly stems from the behavioural paradigm, social learning, and as an important contextual factor they also highlight imitation of peers. Impulsivity and the use of substances, including alcohol and drugs, are also warning signs of an increased risk of suicide. People who experience a stressful life event may feel strong sadness or loss, anxiety, anger, or hopelessness, and occasionally think it would be better if they didn’t exist at all. The findings of the study showed that self-injurious behaviour differs between the men and women but the differences are not statistically significant. When talking about self-injurious behaviour, most first think about cutting the skin, but by researching this area we found that scratching to the blood, pulling hair and suicide are more common forms of self-harm and are statistically more typical in the population. The analysis of the data of our respondents showed that there are no differences in seeking help according to gender, but they certainly have enough information on where to turn for help in need.
Secondary keywords: Mladina;Samomorilnost;Samopoškodovanje;Terapevtika;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VII f., 68 str.
ID: 14966926