Daniel Pavlović (Author)


Prispevek poleg splošno sprejetega pojma slovenska moderna predlaga tudi pojem druga slovenska moderna. Po terminološki razlagi in kratkem zgodovinskem pregledu avtor primerja fenomena štirih pesnikov slovenske moderne in t. i. pesnikov Pesmi štirih, nato pa z namenom določanja poetičnih koordinat dveh obdobij podrobneje preučuje Kettejevo in Kovičevo poetiko, predvsem pa njun t. i. usklajevalni vidik kot premostitev do poetik, ki so bile časovno pred njunima.


slovenska književnost;slovenska poezija;slovenski pesniki;moderna;druga moderna;


Language: Croatian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6-1.09
COBISS: 89216259 Link will open in a new window
Views: 133
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: The paper proposes the term »Second Slovene Moderna« instead of the generally accepted term Slovene Moderna. After a terminological clarification and brief historical overview, the phenomena of the Four Poets of the Slovene Moderna and the poets from the Poems of the Four are compared, after which, to determine the poetic coordinates of the two periods, Kette’s poetics, and in relation to his, Kovič’s, especially their so-called harmonizing aspects, are examined in more detail as bridges to previous poetics.
Secondary keywords: slovenska književnost;slovenska poezija;slovenski pesniki;moderna;druga moderna;Slovene literature;Slovene poetry;Slovene poets;Moderna;Second Moderna;Kette;Dragotin;1876-1899;Kovič;Kajetan;1931-2014;
Source comment: ABSTRACT: The paper proposes the term »Second Slovene Moderna« instead of the generally accepted term Slovene Moderna. After a terminological clarification and brief historical overview, the phenomena of the Four Poets of the Slovene Moderna and the poets from the Poems of the Four are compared, after which, to determine the poetic coordinates of the two periods, Kette’s poetics, and in relation to his, Kovič’s, especially their so-called harmonizing aspects, are examined in more detail as bridges to previous poetics. / KEY WORDS: Slovene literature, Slovene poetry, Slovene poets, Moderna, Second Moderna
Pages: Str. 111-118
DOI: 10.4312/Obdobja.40.111-118
ID: 15023683
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