ideologija modernega terorizma?
Goran Flisar (Author), Božidar Koren (Mentor)


Islam so po napadih 11. septembra 2001 vedno bolj začeli povezovati z terorizmom. To je predvsem posledica tega, da so bili vsi napadalci in organizatorji pripadniki islamske skupnosti, ki so trdili, da so v sveti vojni proti Zahodu. V diplomskem delu sta ločeno predstavljena tako islam kot tudi terorizem, temu pa sledi še področje islamskega terorizma. Predstavljene so zgodovina in značilnosti posameznega sklopa. Ob površnem proučevanju islama in terorizma je mogoče ugotoviti povezave med njima, ki pa ob podrobnejšem pregledu privedejo do ugotovitev, da islam in terorizem nista povezana, ampak njuna povezava izhaja iz razlage, da so korenine terorizma v sveti vojni zgolj površne ter da jih zlorabljajo posamezniki in skupine, ki svoje člane prepričujejo o tem, da so v vojni z Zahodom in da je vsak nemusliman in vsak musliman, ki se ne strinja z njihovim prepričanjem, ali njihov nasprotnik ali pa nepomembna žrtev v njihovi bitki, v kateri ti posamezniki in organizacije ne izbirajo sredstev za dosego svojih ciljev, prav tako pa je zanje nepomembno, ali so med žrtvami nedolžne ženske in otroci. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene tudi islamske teroristične organizacije in največji ter najodmevnejši napadi, ki so jih izvedle v bližnji preteklosti. Eden izmed ciljev posameznikov in organizacij je pregnati zahodni svet iz muslimanskega sveta, v katerem je potrebno strogo spoštovanje navodil in predpisov, oprtih na muslimanske temelje. Prav naslanjanje na muslimansko sveto knjigo Koran in na izročila njihovega preroka Mohameda pa prispeva k uspešnemu novačenju članov terorističnih organizacij.


islam;terorizem;teroristične skupine;primeri;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: G. Flisar]
UDC: 343.3
COBISS: 2424298 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2250
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: After the attacks of 11 September 2001 Islam increasingly came to associate with terrorism. This is mainly due to the fact that all the attackers and the organizers were members of the Islamic community, claiming that they are in a holy war against the West. The thesis is presented as two separate fields of Islam and terrorism, followed by the field of Islamic terrorism. These sections describe the history and characteristics of each one. On superficial examination of Islam and terrorism, it appears that there are links between them, but closer inspection leads to the conclusion that Islam and terrorism are not related, but their relationship is arising from the interpretation that terrorism has its roots in the holy war only superficial and is abused by the individuals and groups who persuade their members that they are at war with the West and that any non-Muslims and any Muslim who disagrees with their beliefs is their opponent, or a minor victim in a battle in which this individuals and organizations use any means to achieve their objectives, it is also irrelevant to them if this innocent victims are also wifes or children. This thesis also presents the Islamic terrorist organizations and the largest and most notable attacks that were commited by this terrorist organizations, which have been carried out in the recent past. In this work we can also see that one of the goals of individuals and organizations is to quash the Western world from the Muslim world in which strict adherence to guidelines and regulations that are based on Islamic foundations is required. This reliance on the Muslim holy book the Koran and the traditions of their prophet Mohammed, helps also to the successful recruitment of new members of terrorist organizations.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 48 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;criminal law;penal offences;kazensko pravo;kazniva dejanja;offences against the state;
ID: 15047
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