magistrsko delo
Tina Peternelj (Author), Andreja Pucihar (Mentor)


Leasing je v Sloveniji vedno bolj razširjena oblika financiranja. Postopek pridobivanja leasing financiranja je obsežen, odobritev financiranja pa je le del tega postopka. Proces odobritve financiranja zajema več korakov in se od leasing hiše do leasing hiše razlikuje. Proces je lahko ročen, kar pomeni, da se celotna odobritvena dokumentacija fizično dostavi ustreznim osebam v pregled, analizo in odločitev, lahko pa je avtomatiziran. V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na avtomatizacijo procesa odobritve financiranja v leasing hiši s pomočjo upravljanja poslovnega procesa (angleško business process management – BPM.) Na podlagi trenutnega procesa odobritve financiranja smo korak za korakom opisali delovanje avtomatiziranega poslovnega procesa. Poleg opisa delovanja avtomatiziranega poslovnega procesa smo predstavili tudi orodje za upravljanje poslovnega procesa BPM designer. Razložili smo pojme, ki jih je potrebno razumeti pri procesu odobritve financiranja in kreiranju avtomatiziranega procesa odobritve financiranja. Leasing hiši upravljanje poslovnega procesa prinaša poenostavitev dela, hkrati pa tudi razbremenitev in razdeljevanje nalog. Prinaša zelo konkretne učinke in merljive rezultate. Ob ustrezni implementaciji ukrepi bistveno dvigujejo učinkovitost in konkurenčnost podjetja.


Digitalizacija;leasing;odobritev financiranja;upravljanje poslovnih procesov;avtomatiziran proces;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [T. Peternelj]
UDC: 004
COBISS: 109125379 Link will open in a new window
Views: 165
Downloads: 21
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Automation of financing approval process
Secondary abstract: Leasing is an increasingly widespread form of financing in Slovenia. The process of obtaining leasing financing is extensive, the approval of financing is only part of this process. The financing approval process involves several steps and varies from leasing company to leasing company. The process can be manual, meaning that all approval documentation is physically delivered to the appropriate people for review, analysis, and decision, or it can be automated. In the master's thesis, we focused on automating the process of approving financing in a leasing company with the help of business process management (BPM). Based on the current financing approval process, we described the operation of the automated business process step by step. In addition to describing the operation of the automated business process, we also presented the BPM designer business process management tool. We have explained the concepts that need to be understood in the funding approval process and the creation of an automated funding approval process. Business process management not only brings simplification of work to leasing company, but also relief and division of tasks. It brings very concrete effects and measurable results. With proper implementation, the measures significantly increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the company.
Secondary keywords: Avtomatizacija;Digitalizacija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: V, 70 f.
ID: 15068861
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