diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Armando Goričan (Author), Benjamin Flander (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava pravico do osebne svobode. Ker gre za eno izmed temeljnih in najbolj pomembnih pravic, je v začetku predstavljena njena zgodovina, temu sledi Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravicah ter kaj določa 5. člen navedene konvencije. V nadaljevanju je še kratka predstavitev Ustave Republike Slovenije in razčlenitev omejitve prostosti. Jedro vsebuje pregled pravice do osebne svobode v sodni praksi Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice, in sicer na podlagi analize »Vodnika za izvajanje člena 5 Evropske konvencije o človekovih pravicah (A guide to the implementation of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights) Monice Macovei z naslovom Human rights handbooks, No 5 (Človekove pravice priročniki, Št. 5)«. 5. člen navedene konvencije postavlja temeljne standarde pri posegih v osebno svobodo, določa primere v katerih je to dopustno ter ob tem uvaja različne oblike varovalk, ki takšne posege presojajo in zagotavljajo , da ostajajo v okvirjih, ki ne predstavljajo kršitev človekovih pravic. V zadnjem delu je narejena primerjava ugotovitev analize Vodnika za izvajanje 5. člena Evropske konvencije o človekovih pravicah s stanjem v slovenskem pravnem redu ter ugotovitve.


človekove pravice;osebna svoboda;kršitve;sodna praksa;Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: A. Goričan]
UDC: 342.7
COBISS: 2428138 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2617
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: My diploma work deals with the right to personal freedom. Since it is in the view of human rights one of the most fundamental and at the same time, one of the most important rights, a short history is hereby first introduced. Moreover, the European Convention on Human Rights, a detailed description of Article 5 of the abovementioned convention, a short presentation of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and an analysis of some limited-degree-of-freedom are herewith also introduced. Furthermore, the very heart of the matter that includes a review of the right to personal freedom affected by judicial order and practice for the purpose of prosecuting violations at the European Court of Human Rights follows. The latter is shaped on the basis of the analysis of »The guide to the implementation of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights by Monice Macovei entitled Human rights handbooks, No 5«. In addition, Article 5 of the aforementioned Convention sets up a regulation framework in terms of defining the fundamental standards when encroaching upon someone's rights, personal liberty, determining the cases where there are conditions of admissibility present when it comes to interfering with human rights, and finally, introducing various types of safety measures whose task is to asses all these interventions and at the same time, assure that the adopted measures are applied within the legal and institutional framework in order to protect human rights and prevent law-breaking. In the last part of my diploma work a comparison of the findings related to the analysis of the Guide to the implementation of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights in a close connection with the actual state of the Slovene judicial order is carried out.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 48 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;public law;constitutional law;administrative law;javno pravo;ustavno pravo;upravno pravo;fundamental rights;human rights;rights and duties of the citizen;temeljne pravice;človekove pravice;pravice in dolžnosti državljana;
ID: 15072
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