(diplomsko delo)
Ivana Divjak (Author), Miljenko Križmarić (Mentor), Marjan Skalicky (Co-mentor), Janez Vošner (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo kot sodobne tehnološke novosti na področju fleksibilnih endoskopij identificirali tehnologijo indeksa hemoglobina (IHb – Index of Hemoglobin), slikanje z ozkim frekvenčnim pasom (NBI – Narrow Band Imaging), avto fluorescenco (AFI – Auto Fluorescence Imaging) in slikanje z infrardečimi frekvencami (IRI – Infra Red Imaging). Vsi načini endoskopskega slikanja zahtevajo zelo zahtevni način umerjanja, predvsem umerjanje posebnih frekvenčnih pasov svetlobe, s posebnimi pripomočki. Če medicinska sestra napačno umeri aparat, ne moremo pričakovati pravilne diagnoze s strani zdravnika. Novost na področju tehnologije predstavlja elektrokirurgija z žlahtnim plinom Argonom in magnetna navigacija z magnetnim poljem za določanje lege endoskopa. Na področju fizičnih simulatorjev endoskopij smo našli simulator želodca in črevesja proizvajalca Koken. Proizvajalec Simbionix po drugi strani ponuja sofisticirane virtualne simulatorje (GI - Bronch). Tako fizični kot virtualni simulatorji ponujajo možnost urjenja medicinskih sester, ki sodelujejo v endoskopskih posegih. Fizične simulatorje lahko uporabimo za kontrolo delovanja celotnega endoskopskega sistema, kar odpira nove možnosti v zagotavljanju varnosti bolnika.


fleksibilna endoskopija;simulatorji v medicini;varnost bolnika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM MF - Faculty of Medicine
Publisher: [I. Divjak]
UDC: 616-07
COBISS: 1722532 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2074
Downloads: 365
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Modern biomedical technology and simulators of flexible endoscopy
Secondary abstract: In diploma work, we identified the modern technology of Index hemoglobine, (IHb - Index of Hemoglobine), imaging with narrow frequency band (NBI - Narrow Band Imaging), auto - fluorescence (Auto - fluorescence Imaging), and infrared imaging frequency (Infrared Imaging) in flexible endoscopy. All endoscopic imaging methods, require a very complex methods of calibration, particulary the calibration of specific bands of light, with a specific tool. If a nurse incorrectly calibrates the machine, we can not expect the accurate and precise diagnose by the physician. The novelty in the technology is presented by electrosurgery with Argon plasma coagulation and magnetic navigation with a magnetic field for determining location of endoscope. In the field of physical simulators of endoscopy, we have founded the ERCP training model with indication function, by Koken. In the other hand, the manufacturer Simbionx, offers the sophisticated virtual simulators (GI - Bronch). Efforts have been made to establish construct validity by demonstrating improved performance to nurses on the models with increasing levels of endoscopic expertise on patients and their safety
Secondary keywords: flexible endoscopy;simulators in medicine;patient safety;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 113 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;semeiology;symptomatology;signs and symptoms;examination;diagnosis;propaedeutics;semiologija;simptomatologija;znaki in simptomi;pregled;diagnoza;propedevtika;
ID: 15190