(magistrsko delo)
Sonja Ježovnik (Author), Jure Kovač (Mentor)


Organizacijska struktura je nepogrešljiv element vsake organizacije. Oblikujejo jo naloge, nosilci nalog in njihova medsebojna razmerja. V praksi se pojavljajo različne organizacijske oblike, in sicer imajo organizacije na voljo precej možnosti, da izberejo najustreznejšo obliko za učinkovito in uspešno poslovanje. Zaradi sprememb v okolju in organizaciji obstoječa organizacijska struktura ne ustreza več, kar pomeni, da je potrebno organizacijsko strukturo spremeniti. V magistrskem delu je obravnavana organizacijska struktura Bolnišnice Topolšica, ki je po organizacijski obliki javni zavod, po namenu pa specialna bolnišnica. Njena organizacijska struktura ima značilnosti funkcijske organizacijske strukture, katere značilnost je togost in neučinkovitost. Kljub temu je ta struktura v zdravstvenih organizacijah še vedno najbolj prevladujoča. Namen in cilj. Proučiti model organizacijske strukture izbrane organizacije. Oceniti ali je njena struktura ustrezna in ali so potrebne spremembe. Raziskovalna metodologija. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda s študijem strokovne literature s področja organizacijske strukture. Pomembne podatke za bolnišnico pa smo črpali iz internih gradiv. Osnovo tvori raziskava, s katero smo na podlagi analize želeli dobiti odgovore na postavljene trditve v hipotezah. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Izvedena je bila s pomočjo oblikovane ankete na vzorcu 60,5 % vseh zaposlenih bolnišnice. Dobljene podatke smo obdelali in vizualizirali s pomočjo računalniških programov Microsoft Office Excel ter SPSS. Uporabili smo T-test in faktorsko analizo. Rezultati. Rezultati raziskave, v kateri smo prvo hipotezo zavrnili in ostali dve potrdili, so pokazali negativno mnenje zaposlenih o organizacijski strukturi Bolnišnice Topolšica. Sklep. Magistrsko delo smo zaključili s sklepnimi spoznanji, pri katerih smo ocenili prednosti in slabosti strukture obravnavane bolnišnice ter podali predloge za izboljšanje trenutne organizacije. Predlog nove organizacijske strukture je zadržati obstoječo funkcijsko strukturo organiziranosti in jo preoblikovati v procesno usmerjeno, ki bi omogočala dolgoročen uspeh in razvoj bolnišnice.


bolnišnica;organizacijska struktura;zaposleni;formalizacija;komunikacija;koordinacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [S. Ježovnik]
UDC: 614.2:658
COBISS: 1748388 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3361
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Model of organizational structure of hospital
Secondary abstract: The organizational structure is an indispensable element of any organization. It is formed by the functions, task operators and their interrelationships. Different organizational forms appear in practice; namely organizations have many options to choose the most adequate form for effective and successful operation. Due to changes in the environment and the organization the existing organizational structure is no longer adequate, which signifies that the organizational structure needs to be changed. The organizational structure of Hospital Topolšica is discussed in this master's thesis. It is a public institution by organizational form and a specialist hospital by purpose. Its organizational structure has the characteristics of the functional organizational structure, characterized by rigidity and inefficiency. However, this structure is still predominant in health care organizations. Purpose and objective. Examine the organizational structure model of the selected organization. Assess whether its structure is adequate and whether changes are necessary. Research Methodology. By studying the technical literature in the field of organizational structure a descriptive method was used. Important hospital data were acquired from internal materials. The basis is formed by a research – by conducting the analysis we wanted to acquire the answers to given statements in the hypotheses. The research was based on a quantitative methodology. It was conducted through a survey, in which 60.5 % of all hospital employees participated. The obtained data were processed and visualized using computer programs Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS. T-test and factor analysis were used. The results. The results of the research, in which we rejected the first hypothesis and confirmed the other two, showed a negative opinion of employees about the organizational structure of Hospital Topolšica. Conclusion. Master's thesis was completed with the conclusions in which we assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the structure of Hospital Topolšica and made suggestions for improving the existing organization. Suggestion for a new organizational structure is to retain the existing functional structure of the organization and transform it into a process-oriented one, which will enable a long-term success and the development of the hospital.
Secondary keywords: hospital;organizational structure;employees;formalization;communication;coordination;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: XIII, 124 str., 3 str. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;public health and hygiene;accident prevention;javno zdravje in higiena;preprečitev nesreč;public and professional organization of health;javna in poklicna organizacija zdravstva;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;business management;administration;commercial organization;poslovni menedžment;administracija;komercialna organizacija;
ID: 15288