investingating the relation between architecture, landscape and symbolism in WW2 monuments of socialist Yugoslavia
Vida Rucli (Author), Maruša Zorec (Mentor), Luka Skansi (Co-mentor)


Embodied Experience, investigating the relation between architecture, landscape and symbolism in WW2 monuments of socialist Yugoslavia. The thesis examines one of the less studied topics of modernist monumentality in Socialist Yugoslavia, namely the relation between the memorials and the landscape where they are located. The modernist approach to the topic of memorialization consisted in a synthesis between the memorial content, the form and the spatial context. Within memorial production between ca. 1950 and 1980 all these three topics experienced a total renovation and while the first two were examined in depth, the last one was analyzed only partially. Our thesis will try to fill this gap by analyzing some of the most interesting and complex memorial examples and some of the most influential written production of the time on this topic. The thesis tries to demonstrate that it is the synthesis between the monument-object, the landscape which hosts it and the perceiver who moves through space that makes some of the Yugoslav memorials so powerful and emotionally touching.




Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FA - Faculty of Architecture
Publisher: [V. Rucli]
UDC: 725.945(043.2)
COBISS: 40889347 Link will open in a new window
Views: 86
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: Utelešeno izkustvo, raziskovanje odnosa med arhitekturo, krajino in simboliko spomenikov druge svetovne vojne v socialistični Jugoslaviji. Magistrska naloga obravnava eno izmed manj raziskanih tematik modernistične spomeniške umetnosti v socialistični Jugoslaviji, in sicer odnos med spomeniki in krajinami, kjer so postavljeni. Modernistični pristop k tematiki spomeništva predstavlja sinteza med spomenikovo vsebino, formo in prostorskim kontekstom. V spomeniški produkciji - cca. med leti 1950 in 1980 - so vsi trije trenutki te sinteze doživeli popolno preobrazbo in medtem ko sta bila prva dva obravnavana zelo podrobno, je zadnji ostal analiziran zgolj delno. Naša magistrska naloga bo poskušala to vrzel zapolniti, in sicer z analizo nekaterih bolj zanimivih in kompleksnih spomeniških primerov ter najbolj vplivne pisne produkcije o tej temi v tistem času. Magistrska naloga poskuša prikazati, da je prav sinteza med spomenikom-objektom, krajino, ki ga gosti, in tistim, ki si skozi ta prostor premika in to izkušnjo doživlja, tista, ki dela nekatere jugoslovanske spomenike tako mogočne in ganljive.
Secondary keywords: arhitektura;krajina;spomeniki;simbolika;spomin;druga svetovna vojna;Jugoslavija;magistrske naloge;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za arhitekturo
Pages: 209 str.
ID: 15288143
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