diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Tanja Kočevar (Author), Anton Dvoršek (Mentor), Danijela Frangež (Co-mentor)


Spolne zlorabe otrok predstavljajo hud poseg v otrokovo intimo. Nujno je, da se pred njimi čim bolje zavarujemo in ukrepamo, preden je prepozno. V zaključnem delu bomo obravnavali delovanje nekaterih državnih organizacij pri omejevanju spolnih zlorab otrok. Osredotočili smo se na delo policije, centrov za socialno delo in osnovnih šol. Ugotovili smo, da največ truda v preventivo vlaga ravno policija, saj z različnimi programi in osveščanjem tako v šolah kot drugje najbolj pripomore pri preventivi pred spolnimi zlorabami. Centri za socialno delo primarno ne delujejo na področju preventive, vendar pa imajo dobro organizirane tako imenovane krizne time, ki učinkovito ukrepajo takoj po dogodku. Centri za socialno delo so tesno povezani z delovanjem nevladnih organizacij, kjer je veliko društev, ki se borijo prav proti zlorabam ter ponujajo tudi možnost neposredne komunikacije. Šole imajo velik poudarek na življenje otrok, ki tam preživijo veliko svojega časa. Vendar pa je dokaj težko najti šole s preventivnimi programi, namenjenimi osveščanju otrok pred različnimi zlorabami. Eden izmed programov, kjer najdemo temo spolnih zlorab otrok, je Policist Leon svetuje. V zvezi s projektom Policist Leon svetuje smo izvedli tudi krajšo raziskavo, kjer smo ugotovili, da učenci kljub temu, da jim program predstavi pojem spolnih zlorab, tega še vedno ne razumejo najbolje. Zaposleni so bili mnenja, da se otroci kljub dobri poučenosti s strani šole ne bi znali ustrezno zaščititi pred morebitnimi nevarnostmi in da bi tudi starši morali bolj sodelovati pri osveščanju svojih otrok.


otroci;spolne zlorabe;preprečevanje;preiskovanje;preventiva;šole;državne institucije;policija;centri za socialno delo;nevladne organizacije;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: T. Kočevar]
UDC: 351.741:364.633
COBISS: 2510058 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1708
Downloads: 166
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Sexual abuse of children is a severe invasion in children's privacy. It is necessary to prevent it and to act on it before it is too late. In our final thesis we discuss the function of certain national institutions at limiting child sexual abuse. The focus is on the initiative taken by the police, social service centres and primary schools. The results show that the police takes the most initiative and action in preventing sexual abuse of children, since they inform and carry out different programmes at schools as well as elsewhere. The primary task of social service centres is not to act on the field of prevention, but to act as soon as a case occurs with well organized crisis teams. Social service centres are closely connected to the non-governmental organizations, which include a lot of associations that fight against abuses and provide the possibility of direct communication. Schools lay great stress on children's lives as children spend most of their time there. Even so, it is fairly hard to find schools with prevention programmes intended to inform children against different kinds of abuse. One of the programmes that include the topic of child sexual abuse is »Policist Leon svetuje« (Policeman Leon advises). In reference to the project Policist Leon svetuje a short research was made, where we established that although the programme introduces the term sexual abuse to the children, they still do not fully comprehend it. The schools' employees were of the opinion that in spite of the given information from the school, the children would still not know how to protect themselves against the possible dangers. Therefore the parents should be more involved at informing the children regarding this subject.
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 71 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;particular activities of public administration;posamične dejavnosti javne uprave;social sciences;družbene vede;safeguarding the mental and material necessities of life;socialno delo;socialna pomoč;stanovanje;zavarovalstvo;social welfare;socialno skrbstvo;social welfare issues;
ID: 15346