magistrsko delo
Lucija Gračner (Author), Danijela Lahe (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je raziskan pomen prostega časa in družine na izbiro prostočasnih dejavnosti mladih. Prosti čas kot pojem zajema številne opredelitve, razumevanja in je odvisen od vsakega posameznika in njegove subjektivne predstave zanimanj, želja. Pomemben del prostega časa in izbire prostočasnih dejavnosti je vpliv družine, ki se kaže na način vzgoje otrok s primarno socializacijo, ko ti prejemajo in ponotranjijo vzorce vedenja na podlagi zanimanj staršev in izbira le-teh se razlikuje glede na spol, starost, izobrazbo, kraj bivanja, državo, ponujene možnosti. S pregledom že obstoječe literature in obstoječih raziskav spremenljivk prostega časa, dejavnosti prostega časa v povezanosti z družino in demografskih dejavnikov smo opredelili ključne pojme magistrskega dela. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela je raziskana povezanost prostočasnih dejavnosti glede na sociodemografske dejavnike v povezavi z družino na reprezentativnem vzorcu slovenske mladine in mladine Jugovzhodne Evrope (N = 8258). Pri tem smo se predvsem osredinili na pogostost izbire vrste aktivnosti prostega časa in državo, pogostost izbire prostočasnih aktivnosti glede na spol mladih, izobrazbo staršev, kraj bivanja mladih, velikost družine ter na zdravje mladih. Z analizo več spremenljivk smo ugotovili obstoj razlik v pogostosti udeležbe mladih v vrstah prostočasnih dejavnostih glede na države JV Evrope, glede na spol, kraj bivanja in obstoj povezanosti med spremenljivkami stopnja izobrazbe staršev in pogostost udeležbe v aktivnih dejavnostih prostega časa, med velikostjo družine in preživljanjem prostega časa z družino. Dandanes je osnovna celica družbe - družina tista, ki ima pomembno vlogo pri spoznavanju področij življenja posameznika, med katere spada tudi prosti čas. Pomembnost družine se med državami in kulturami razlikuje.


magistrska dela;prosti čas;prostočasovne dejavnosti;družina;zdravje;država;opis kraja;mladinski centri;mladi JV Evrope;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [L. Gračner]
UDC: 379.8-053.6:316(4)(043.2)
COBISS: 139646467 Link will open in a new window
Views: 17
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The role of family in the choice of young peoples leisure activities
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis explores the importance of free time and family and their effects on the choice of young peopleʹs leisure activities. Free time as a concept includes many definitions and understandings which depend on each individual and his or her subjective representation of interests and desires. An important part of free time and the choice of leisure activities is the influence of the family, which is based on childrenʹs upbringing during primary socialization, when they receive and internalise patterns of behaviour established by the interests of parents and the choice of leisure activities varies according to gender, age, education, place of residence, country, and options offered. By reviewing the existing literature and existing research on leisure variables and leisure activities related to family and demographic factors, I have defined the key concepts of my master's thesis. The empirical part of the paper inspects the connection between leisure activities in relation to socio-demographic factors and family on the representative sample of the Slovenian youth and youth in Southeast Europe (N = 8258). We have mainly focused on the frequency of choosing the type of leisure activities and the country, the frequency of leisure activities according to young peoples gender, parents' education, young peoples place of residence, their health, and family size. By analysing several variables, We have found differences in the frequency of young peoples participation in leisure activities by country of SE Europe, by gender, place of residence and the existence of correlations between the level of parents education and the frequency of active leisure participation, family size and time spent with the family. Today, the basic cell of society family is the one that plays an important role in learning about an individual's areas of life, which also includes leisure. The importance of family varies between different countries and cultures.
Secondary keywords: master theses;leisure;leisure activities;family;health;country;places of residence;youth centers;young people of South East Europe;Prosti čas;Družina;Država;Mladinski centri;Balkanski polotok;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 95 str.))
ID: 15351280
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