diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Aleš Klančar (Author), Jakob Demšar (Mentor)


Korupcija je danes eden največjih problemov, s katerimi se sooča sodobna družba. Pojavlja se v različnih oblikah in pri tem povzroča veliko materialne škode. Največja nevarnost pri korupciji je, da jo težko zaznamo in še težje ocenimo njeno škodo. Vedeti moramo, da korupcija poteka stran od oči javnosti ter da so vse vpletene strani zainteresirane, da korupcijska dejanja ostanejo prikrita. Ena izmed hujših oblik je politična korupcija, ki je povezana tudi s financiranjem političnih strank. Politične stranke so telesa, v katera se ljudje včlanijo, da bi podprli in izvajali tista prepričanja, ki so temelj teh strank. So temelj demokracije in za svoje delovanje potrebujejo finančna sredstva. Ta sredstva prihajajo iz javnih in zasebnih virov in so pogosto netransparentna. Razmerja med javnim in zasebnim financiranjem se pogosto razlikujejo, saj obstajajo različni sistemi financiranja političnih strank. V sedanjem času politika izgublja svoj ugled pri državljanih in to se pozna tudi na financah političnih strank. Finance pa so ključni dejavnik, ki omogoča preživetje in tudi rast politične stranke. Zato se politične stranke poslužujejo tudi nezakonitih oblik financiranja. Koruptivno financiranje političnih strank omogoča določen vpliv tistih, ki so prispevali finančni prispevek politični stranki. Drugi način vplivanja na politiko je skozi lobiranje, ki je v večini primerov zakonito dejanje, čeprav obstajajo tudi negativne oblike lobiranja. Lobiranje je usmerjeno predvsem na tiste, ki so že na oblasti, medtem ko je koruptivno financiranje prisotno tudi pri tistih strankah, ki si prizadevajo priti na oblast. Žal je koruptivno financiranje pogosto v senci drugih koruptivnih dejanj. Vse to meče slabo luč na politiko, ki bi morala biti prva za zgled državljanom pri izogibanju korupciji ter etičnem in moralnem ravnanju. Problematiko financiranja političnih strank lahko reši samo konkretna volja politike, ki si pred tem ne bo zatiskala oči. Ukrepi naj bi temeljili predvsem na večji transparentnosti, učinkovitem nadzoru in sankcijah ter primerih dobre prakse. Vse to pa mora podpirati ustrezna zakonodaja, ki ne sme biti sama sebi namen. Večji poudarek mora biti tudi na ustrezni podpori državnim in nevladnim organizacijam, ki se ukvarjajo s to problematiko. Potrebna pa je seveda tudi volja političnih strank, saj se vsi ti ukrepi nanašajo na njih.


politične stranke;lobiranje;korupcija;financiranje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: A. Klančar]
UDC: 329:343.352(043.2)
COBISS: 2536682 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1599
Downloads: 260
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Corruption is one of the biggest problems of modern society. It occurs in different forms, causing a lot of material damage. The greatest negative point of corruption is that it is difficult to detect and even harder to assess its damage. We must know that corruption takes place away from the public eyes and that all involved sides are interested in corruption remaining hidden. One of its worst forms is political corruption which is also associated with the financing of political parties. Political parties are bodies which people join to support and implement those beliefs that are their foundations. They are the basis of democracy and require funds for their operation. These funds come from public and private sources and are often non-transparent. The relationship between the public and private funding often differs as there are different systems for financing the political parties. Nowadays, politics are losing reputation among citizens and this is reflected in the finances of political parties. Finances are a key factor enabling the survival and growth of political parties. Therefore, political parties resort also to the illegal forms of financing. Corrupt funding of political parties enables certain influence of those who have contributed financial contribution to a political party. Another way to influence politics is through lobbying which is legal in most cases, although there are also negative forms of lobbying. Lobbying is mainly aimed at those already in power, while the corrupt financing is present also with those parties who strive to come to power. Unfortunately, corrupt financing is often in the shadow of other corrupt acts. All this casts a bad light on politics which should be the first example for avoiding corruption, and ethical and moral behavior for citizens. The problem of financing political parties can only be solved by concrete will of politics that will not turn a blind eye to the problem of corruption. The measures should be based primarily on greater transparency, effective monitoring and sanctions as well as on good practice examples. All this must be based and supported by appropriate legislation that will not serve its own purpose only. Greater emphasis should also be put on the appropriate support of national and non-governmental organizations that deal with this issue. Last but not least, the will of political parties is also necessary as all of these measures relate to them.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 108 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;politics;politika;politične vede;political parties and movements;politične stranke in gibanja;social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;criminal law;penal offences;kazensko pravo;kazniva dejanja;offences against the state;
ID: 15431
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