magistrsko delo
Katarina Kobale (Author), Robert Potokar (Mentor)


Tema magistrskega dela izhaja iz realne potrebe po oživitvi degradiranega predela obrežja Karlina, ki se hkrati smiselno umešča med stavbne strukture predvidene v projektu novega Rohanskega naselja. Projektna naloga se osredotoča na center, ki bo stičišče znanosti, tehnologije in kulture skozi tesno vpetostjo v gospodarstvo, raziskovalno dejavnost in izobraževanje. Zasnova objekta raziskuje odnos med ohranjanjem zelenih površin v mestih in grajenim urbanim prostorom. Prikazuje kako umeščati javni program v strnjeno mestno tkivo s ciljem po ohranjanju zelenih urbanih površin. Stavbno tkivo se umakne pod zemljo, zelena streha objekta pa postane podaljšek ulice. Pri tem gre za iskanje ravnesja vidnega in nevidnega, torej koliko vidnih elementov objekta je potrebnih, da je poseg monumentalen, tvori zanimiv urbani prostor ter hkrati vanj ne posega preveč. Zaradi neobičajne umestitve, je velik poudarek tudi na zagotavljanju naravne svetlobe v objektu, kar se zagotavlja z uporabo svetlobnikov, ki pa nimajo le uporabne temveč tudi estetsko funkcijo. Konstrukcija objekta zajema številne gradbene tehnike in materiale. Od gradnje z armiranobetnsko konstrukcijo, do še novejših tehnologij gradnje v razvoju, kot je 3D tiskanje stavb.


Praga;center znanosti;svetlobnik;3D tisk;podzemna arhitektura;umestitev objekta;zelene površine;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [K. Kobale]
UDC: [711.16:711.58]+727.012(043.2)
COBISS: 121149187 Link will open in a new window
Views: 209
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Science center Prague
Secondary abstract: The theme of the master thesis is based on the real need to revitalise the degraded area of the Karlin riverbank, which at the same time fits sensibly among the building structures foreseen in the project of the new Rohan settlement. The project focuses on a centre that will be a meeting point for science, technology and culture through close integration into the economy, research and education. The design of the building explores the relationship between the conservation of green spaces in cities and the built urban space. It shows how to locate a public programme in a compact urban fabric with the aim of preserving green urban spaces. The building fabric is retreated underground and the green roof of the building becomes an extension of the street. It is a question of balancing the visible and the invisible, i.e. how many visible elements of the building are needed for the intervention to be monumental, to form an interesting urban space and at the same time not to encroach too much on it. Due to the unusual placement, there is also a strong emphasis on providing natural light in the building, which is ensured by the use of sky shafts, which have not only a useful but also an aesthetic function. The construction of the building encompasses a wide range of construction techniques and materials, from reinforced concrete construction, to newer construction technologies in development, such as 3D printing of buildings.
Secondary keywords: Prague;science centre;skylight;subterranean architecture;3D printing;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 140 f.))
ID: 15493932