diplomsko delo
Sara Porić (Author), Barbara Kresal (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo predstavi sodobno problematiko usklajevanja delovnega in družinskega življenja v času šolanja na daljavo zaradi epidemije COVIDA-19. Raziskala sem izkušnje zaposlenih staršev, katerih otroci so se od oktobra 2020 do januarja 2021 izobraževali na daljavo. Pozornost namenjam raziskovanju ovir in težav, s katerimi so se zaradi šolanja otrok na daljavo in službenih dolžnosti srečevali starši. Uporabila sem kvalitativno raziskovanje, ki sem ga izvedla s pomočjo osmih delno strukturiranih intervjujev. V raziskavi predstavljam izzive staršev in strategije za lažje usklajevanje dela in družine. Osredotočila sem se na otroke do vključno 5. razreda osnovne šole, ker izhajam iz predpostavke, da mlajši otroci pri učenju na domu potrebujejo več pomoči staršev, ker še razvijajo samostojnost in potrebujejo dodatne razlage snovi. Prav tako jim primanjkuje dovolj socialno-čustvene zrelosti, da bi zelo dolgo uspešno delovali v virtualnih učnih okoljih. Ugotovila sem, da so imeli največ težav pri usklajevanju delovnih in družinskih obveznosti starši, ki jim primanjkuje samodiscipline pri organizaciji dneva. Odzivi in doživljanja družin se razlikujejo zaradi razlik v starosti otrok, števila otrok in službenih obveznosti staršev.


starši;usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja;del od doma;šolanje na daljavo;socialno delo v izrednih razmerah;šolsko svetovalno delo;oblike pomoči;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [S. Porić]
UDC: 364.4-055.52
COBISS: 113215747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 73
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reconciliation of Work and Family Life during a Period of Distance Learning Due to COVID-19 Epidemic
Secondary abstract: The thesis presents the contemporary issue of balancing work and family life during a period of distance learning due to the COVID-19 epidemic. I have analyzed the experiences of employed parents whose children engaged in distance learning in the period from October 2020 to January 2021. The central purpose of my thesis was to analyze the obstacles and problems encountered by parents that were a consequence of distance learning and their own occupational responsibilities. I have used the qualitative research approach and collected data using a semi-structured interview. The results of the analysis present 8 parents’ challenges as well as the strategies for balancing work and family. The research included children from first to fifth grade of primary school based on the presumption that younger children need more parents’ help, support and additional explanations, as their independence is not fully developed yet. Moreover, they lack social-emotional maturity; consequently, they cannot successfully participate in a virtual learning environment. The analysis results have shown that less disciplined and organized parents reported having more difficulties balancing work and time for the family. Parents’ answers and experiences may vary based on the age and number of children and their occupational responsibilities.
Secondary keywords: parents;reconciliation of work and family;distance learning;social work in exceptional circumstances;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 52 str.
ID: 15513457