diplomsko delo
Nejc Kuralt (Author), Aleš Kuhar (Reviewer), Ajda Kermauner (Mentor)


Na kmetiji Kuralt smo 3 mesece (od marca 2021 do maja 2021) spremljali prehrano krav molznic. V hlevu je približno 50 krav molznic, večinoma lisaste, nekaj pa črno-bele pasme. Z rezultati mesečnih kontrol mlečnosti (AT4) in vsebnosti hranil v mleku smo spremljali odziv krav na krmni obrok, ki smo ga redno prilagajali, da bi pokrili potrebe krav molznic. Osnovni obrok so sestavljale travna in koruzna silaža ter mrva. Po opravljeni kemijski analizi voluminozne krme smo ugotovili, da je bila travna silaža pod slovenskim povprečjem po vsebnosti beljakovin, po vsebnosti energije pa povprečna. Koruzna silaža in mrva pa sta bili rahlo nadpovprečni. Pred spremljanjem prehrane molznic je bila dnevna mlečnost 26,36 kg, pri porabi 200 g močne krme na kilogram mleka. Izkoriščenost energije je bila le 84,1 %. Vsebnost maščob v mleku je bila 4,10 %, beljakovin pa 3,58 %. Osnovni obrok smo dopolnili z energijskimi in beljakovinskimi krmili, dodatkom soli, mineralno vitaminskega dodatka ter apnenca. S prilagajanjem obroka smo v treh mesecih mlečnost povečali za 2,55 kg, temu pa je sledil rahel padec maščob (4,04 %) in beljakovin (3,43 %) v mleku. Zmanjšali smo porabo močne krme na kilogram mleka in sicer z 200 g na 120 g ter povečali izkoriščenost energije obroka na 98,6 %.


prehrana živali;krave molznice;krmni obrok;mlečnost;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Kuralt]
UDC: 636.2.084/.087(043.2)
COBISS: 110579971 Link will open in a new window
Views: 73
Downloads: 12
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Dairy cows nutrition management on farm Kuralt
Secondary abstract: On the Kuralt farm, we monitored the diet of dairy cows for 3 months (from March 2021 to May 2021). In the barn there are around 50 dairy cows, mostly Simental, and some Holstein Frisian. The results of monthly milk yield (AT4) and milk nutrient content checks were used to monitor the response of the cows to the feed ration, which was regularly adjusted to ensure that it met the needs of the dairy cows. The basic ration consisted of grass, maize silage and hay. After chemical analysis of the roughage, we found that grass silage was below the average Slovenian analytical results for protein content, but average for energy content. Maize silage and hay were slightly above average. Before monitoring the dairy cows' diets, the daily milk yield was 26,36 kg, with a consumption of 200 g of strong feed per kg of milk. Energy utilisation was only 84,1 %. The fat content was 4,10 % and the protein content was 3,58 %. The basic ration was supplemented with energy and protein feeds, salt, a mineral and vitamin supplement and limestone. By adjusting the ration, we increased milk yield by 2,55 kg in three months, followed by a slight decrease in fat (4,04 %) and protein (3,43 %) in the milk. We reduced the use of strong feeds per kg of milk from 200 g to 120 g and increased the energy utilisation of the ration to 98,6 %.
Secondary keywords: animal nutrition;dairy cows;feed ration;milk yield;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VI 25 str.
ID: 15542634