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Boštjan Zemljič (Author), Srečko Krope (Mentor)


Vsak policist pri opravljanju svojega dela potrebuje ustrezno opremo bodisi kot pripomoček ali kot varnostni del osebne zaščite. Po uvodnem delu diplomske naloge smo pričeli z ugotavljanjem ogroženosti policistov v Republiki Sloveniji (RS) in za primerjavo v Združenih državah Amerike (ZDA). Pri tem pa navedli tudi nekaj uradnih statističnih podatkov. Nadaljevali smo z opremljenostjo slovenskih policistov in omenili nekaj kosov opreme, ki jih policist potrebuje pri svojem varnem delu. Spraševali smo se, kako je z nabavo opreme v RS, kdo je odgovoren zanjo, na kakšen način se ta izbira in kakšno vlogo ima pri tem komisija določena s strani Generalne policijske uprave (v nadaljevanju GPU). Glede odgovornosti nabave opreme GPU so predstavljene tudi ugotovitve (povzete iz intervjuja) obeh sindikatov v policiji in njihov vpliv na odgovorne pri nabavi varne in učinkovite opreme. Po predstavitvi osebne opreme policista pride na vrsto bistveni del diplomske naloge, ki govori o tokih za pištole. Prične se s predstavitvijo treh najbolj znanih in uporabljenih tokov za pištole v policiji po svetu, pri tem pa so opisani bistveni deli, ki nudijo varnostni segment policistom, to so zadrževalni sistemi in mehanizmi. Toke smo pri tem razdelili glede na material in glede na namen uporabe. Po predstavitvi tokov se naloga nadaljuje z zakonskimi zahtevami glede uporabe policijske opreme v posameznih državah, pri čemer so vzete za primer sosednje države (Republika Slovenija, Hrvaška in Italija). V tem delu naloge pa je prav tako navedena raziskava glede varnosti tokov za policiste, povzeta iz ZDA. Naprej sledi povzetek teoretičnih ugotovitev. V drugem empiričnem delu, so predstavljene hipoteze in njihova preveritev, uporabljene metode ter podane ugotovitve in predlogi za nadaljnje delo.


policija;policisti;oprema;ustreznost;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: B. Zemljič]
UDC: 351.74(043.2)
COBISS: 2551786 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1326
Downloads: 229
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Every police officer in the performance of their work requires proper equipment, either as an accessory or as part of their personal security protection. After the introductory part of the thesis, we started by identifying threats to police officers in the Republic of Slovenia (RS) in comparison whit United States (U.S.). We indicate some official statistic. We continued with equipment of Slovenian police officers and mentioned a few pieces of equipment that officers required for their safe work. Further is explained how the purchase of equipment is placing in the police force here in R. Slovenia, who is responsible for it, in what way they choose it, and what is the role play of commission established by the General Police Headquarters, below the GPU. In way of purchase liability of GPU there are also presented findings (summarized from the interview) from two active unions in Slovenian police force and their influence in procurement safe and efficient equipment. After presentation of personal equipment of police officers, comes the essential part of the paper, which is about gun holsters (duty holsters). It starts with the presentation of the three best-known and used holsters in the police forces around the world. It is continuing describing essential elements that provide security guards segment – safety mechanisms. We divided holsters in two groups. The first one was by material and second one by the intended of use. Police equipment was also presented from a legal point of view (legislation and other documents) in free neighboring country (RS, RIT and RH). In this part of work is also study of security patterns of holsters for police officers, taken from the U.S.. Next in paper follows summary of theoretical considerations. In the second part - empirical work are presented, hypotheses and their verifications, used methods, and suggestions for future work.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 56 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;particular activities of public administration;posamične dejavnosti javne uprave;
ID: 15568
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