magistrsko delo
Matic Bokša (Author), Iztok Palčič (Mentor), Zlatko Nedelko (Mentor)


V modernem času podjetja strmijo k čim večji učinkovitosti opreme, ter kakovosti izdelkov z malo ali ničtim izmetom. Za doseganje teh ciljev je učinkovita metoda vitke proizvodnje, ki temeljito oceni vsako dejavnost v podjetju, z namenom zmanjševanje izgub. Eden od kazalnikov vitke proizvodnje je celovita učinkovitost opreme, s katero lahko določimo ozka grla, ki nastanejo na stroju ali napravi, ter jih začnemo s pravilnimi ukrepi odpravljati. Glavni faktorji celovite učinkovitosti proizvodnje so razpoložljivost, zmogljivost in kakovost. V magistrski nalogi je prikazano kako se kazalnik OEE začne vpeljevati v proizvodno podjetje. Opisano je podjetje BNM, avtomobilska industrija, d.o.o., osnoven opis stiskalnic, glavne značilnosti vitke proizvodnje, ter kazalnik celovite učinkovitosti opreme. V nadaljevanju je prikazana izdelava dokumenta, ki je potreben za izdelavo meritev in preračun kazalnika OEE. Predstavljene so pridobljene meritve in dejanski kazalnik celovite učinkovitosti opreme podjetja. Meritve in rezultati so nato analizirani. Na koncu pa so predstavljeni še ukrepi za izboljšanje kazalnika OEE.


BNM;avtomobilska industrija;stiskalnice;vitka proizvodnja;kazalnik OEE;razpoložljivost;zmogljivost;kakovost;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Bokša]
UDC: 658.511.5+005.336.1(043.2)
COBISS: 147812867 Link will open in a new window
Views: 320
Downloads: 79
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Overall equipment effectiveness in production company BNM automotive industry d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In modern times, companies strive for the highest possible efficiency of equipment and the quality of products with little or no emissions. To achieve these goals, there is an effective method of lean production that thoroughly evaluates every activity in the company in order to reduce losses. One of the indicators of lean production is the overall efficiency of the equipment with which we can identify bottlenecks that occur on the machine or device and begin to eliminate them with the appropriate measures. The main factors of overall production efficiency are availability, capacity and quality. In the master's thesis it is shown how the OEE indicator is implemented in a manufacturing company. Described is: the company BNM automotive industry LLC, a basic description of the presses, the main characteristics of lean production and an indicator of the overall efficiency of the equipment. In the following a preparation of the document required to make measurements and recalculate the OEE indicator is shown. The obtained measurements and the actual indicator of the overall efficiency of the company's equipment are presented. Measurements and results are then analyzed. Finally, measures to improve the OEE indicator are presented.
Secondary keywords: BNM automotive industry d.o.o.;presses;lean production;OEE indicator;availability;capacity;quality;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 45 f.))
ID: 15569390